The post Exploring aws-lite, a Community-Driven JavaScript SDK for AWS appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.
]]>One of the benefits of the Backblaze B2 Storage Cloud having an S3 compatible API is that developers can take advantage of the wide range of Amazon Web Services SDKs when building their apps. The AWS team has released over a dozen SDKs covering a broad range of programming languages, including Java, Python, and JavaScript, and the latter supports both frontend (browser) and backend (Node.js) applications.
With all of this tooling available, you might be surprised to discover aws-lite. In the words of its creators, it is “a simple, extremely fast, extensible Node.js client for interacting with AWS services.” After meeting Brian LeRoux, cofounder and chief technology officer (CTO) of Begin, the company that created the aws-lite project, at the AWS re:Invent conference last year, I decided to give aws-lite a try and share the experience. Read on for the learnings I discovered along the way.
The AWS SDK has been through a few iterations. The initial release, way back in May 2013, focused on Node.js, while version 2, released in June 2014, added support for JavaScript running on a web page. We had to wait until December 2020 for the next major revision of the SDK, with version 3 adding TypeScript support and switching to an all-new modular architecture.
However, not all developers saw version 3 as an improvement. Let’s look at a simple example of the evolution of the SDK. The simplest operation you can perform against an S3 compatible cloud object store, such as Backblaze B2, is to list the buckets in an account. Here’s how you would do that in the AWS SDK for JavaScript v2:
var AWS = require('aws-sdk'); var client = new AWS.S3({ region: 'us-west-004', endpoint: '' }); client.listBuckets(function (err, data) { if (err) { console.log("Error", err); } else { console.log("Success", data.Buckets); } });
Looking back from 2023, passing a callback function to the listBuckets()
method looks quite archaic! Version 2.3.0 of the SDK, released in 2016, added support for JavaScript promises, and, since async/await arrived in JavaScript in 2017, today we can write the above example a little more clearly and concisely:
const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const client = new AWS.S3({ region: 'us-west-004', endpoint: '' }); try { const data = await client.listBuckets().promise(); console.log("Success", data.Buckets); } catch (err) { console.log("Error", err); }
One major drawback with version 2 of the AWS SDK for JavaScript is that it is a single, monolithic, JavaScript module. The most recent version, 2.1539.0, weighs in at 92.9MB of code and resources. Even the most minimal app using the SDK has to include all that, plus another couple of MB of dependencies, causing performance issues in resource-constrained environments such as internet of things (IoT) devices, or browsers on low-end mobile devices.
Version 3 of the AWS SDK for JavaScript aimed to fix this, taking a modular approach. Rather than a single JavaScript module there are now over 300 packages published under the @aws-sdk/
scope on NPM. Now, rather than the entire SDK, an app using S3 need only install @aws-sdk/client-s3
, which, with its dependencies, adds up to just 20MB.
One issue is that, to fully take advantage of modularization, you must adopt an unfamiliar coding style, creating a command object and passing it to the client’s send()
method. Here is the “new way” of listing buckets:
const { S3Client, ListBucketsCommand } = require("@aws-sdk/client-s3"); // Since v3.378, S3Client can read region and endpoint, as well as // credentials, from configuration, so no need to pass any arguments const client = new S3Client(); try { // Inexplicably, you must pass an empty object to // ListBucketsCommand() to avoid the SDK throwing an error const data = await client.send(new ListBucketsCommand({})); console.log("Success", data.Buckets); } catch (err) { console.log("Error", err); }
The second issue is that, to help manage the complexity of keeping the SDK packages in sync with the 200+ services and their APIs, AWS now generates the SDK code from the API specifications. The problem with generated code is that, as the aws-lite home page says, it can result in “large dependencies, poor performance, awkward semantics, difficult to understand documentation, and errors without usable stack traces.”
A couple of these effects are evident even in the short code sample above. The underlying ListBuckets
API call does not accept any parameters, so you might expect to be able to call the ListBucketsCommand
constructor without any arguments. In fact, you have to supply an empty object, otherwise the SDK throws an error. Digging into the error reveals that a module named middleware-sdk-s3
is validating that, if the object passed to the constructor has a Bucket property, it is a valid bucket name. This is a bit odd since, as I mentioned above, ListBuckets
doesn’t take any parameters, let alone a bucket name. The documentation for ListBucketsCommand
contains two code samples, one with the empty object, one without. (I filed an issue for the AWS team to fix this.)
“Okay,” you might be thinking, “I’ll just carry on using v2.” After all, the AWS team is still releasing regular updates, right? Not so fast! When you run the v2 code above, you’ll see the following warning before the list of buckets:
(node:35814) NOTE: We are formalizing our plans to enter AWS SDK for JavaScript (v2) into maintenance mode in 2023. Please migrate your code to use AWS SDK for JavaScript (v3). For more information, check the migration guide at
At some (as yet unspecified) time in the future, v2 of the SDK will enter maintenance mode, during which, according to the AWS SDKs and Tools maintenance policy, “AWS limits SDK releases to address critical bug fixes and security issues only.” Sometime after that, v2 will reach the end of support, and it will no longer receive any updates or releases.
Faced with a forced migration to what they judged to be an inferior SDK, Brian’s team got to work on aws-lite, posting the initial code to the aws-lite GitHub repository in September last year, under the Apache 2.0 open source license. At present the project comprises a core client and 13 plugins covering a range of AWS services including S3, Lambda, and DynamoDB.
Following the instructions on the aws-lite site, I installed the client module and the S3 plugin, and implemented the ListBuckets
import awsLite from '@aws-lite/client'; const aws = await awsLite(); try { const data = await aws.S3.ListBuckets(); console.log("Success", data.Buckets); } catch (err) { console.log("Error", err); }
For me, this combines the best of both worlds—concise code, like AWS SDK v2, and full support for modern JavaScript features, like v3. Best of all, the aws-lite client, S3 plugin, and their dependencies occupy just 284KB of disk space, which is less than 2% of the modular AWS SDK’s 20MB, and less than 0.5% of the monolith’s 92.9MB!
(Not to kill the punchline here, but for those of you who might not have studied Latin or law, this is a play on the phrase, “caveat emptor”, meaning “buyer beware”.)
I have to mention, at this point, that aws-lite is still very much under construction. Only a small fraction of AWS services are covered by plugins, although it is possible (with a little extra code) to use the client to call services without a plugin. Also, not all operations are covered by the plugins that do exist. For example, at present, the S3 plugin supports 10 of the most frequently used S3 operations, such as PutObject
, GetObject
, and ListObjectsV2
, leaving the remaining 89 operations TBD.
That said, it’s straightforward to add more operations and services, and the aws-lite team welcomes pull requests. We’re big believers in being active participants in the open source community, and I’ve already contributed the ListBuckets
operation, a fix for HeadObject
, and I’m working on adding tests for the S3 plugin using a mock S3 server. If you’re a JavaScript developer working with cloud services, this is a great opportunity to contribute to an open source project that promises to make your coding life better!
The post Exploring aws-lite, a Community-Driven JavaScript SDK for AWS appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.
]]>The post Data-Driven Decisions With Snowflake and Backblaze B2 appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.
]]>Since its launch in 2014 as a cloud-based data warehouse, Snowflake has evolved into a broad data-as-a-service platform addressing a wide variety of use cases, including artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), collaboration across organizations, and data lakes. Last year, Snowflake introduced support for S3 compatible cloud object stores, such as Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage. Now, Snowflake customers can access unstructured data such as images and videos, as well as structured and semi-structured data such as CSV, JSON, Parquet, and XML files, directly in the Snowflake Platform, served up from Backblaze B2.
Why access external data from Snowflake, when Snowflake is itself a data as a service (DaaS) platform with a cloud-based relational database at its core? To put it simply, not all data belongs in Snowflake. Organizations use cloud object storage solutions such as Backblaze B2 as a cost-effective way to maintain both master and archive data, with multiple applications reading and writing that data. In this situation, Snowflake is just another consumer of the data. Besides, data storage in Snowflake is much more expensive than in Backblaze B2, raising the possibility of significant cost savings as a result of optimizing your data’s storage location.
At Snowflake’s core is a cloud-based relational database. You can create tables, load data into them, and run SQL queries just as you can with a traditional on-premises database. Given Snowflake’s origin as a data warehouse, it is currently better suited to running analytical queries against large datasets than as an operational database serving a high volume of transactions, but Snowflake Unistore’s hybrid tables feature (currently in private preview) aims to bridge the gap between transactional and analytical workloads.
As a DaaS platform, Snowflake runs on your choice of public cloud—currently Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform—but insulates you from the details of managing storage, compute, and networking infrastructure. Having said that, sometimes you need to step outside the Snowflake box to access data that you are managing in your own cloud object storage account. I’ll explain exactly how that works in this blog post, but, first, let’s take a quick look at how we classify data according to its degree of structure, as this can have a big impact on your decision of where to store it.
Structured data conforms to a rigid data model. Relational database tables are the most familiar example—a table’s schema describes required and optional fields and their data types, and it is not possible to insert rows into the table that contain additional fields not listed in the schema. Aside from relational databases, file formats such as Apache Parquet, Optimized Row Columnar (ORC), and Avro can all store structured data; each file format specifies a schema that fully describes the data stored within a file. Here’s an example of a schema for a Parquet file:
% parquet meta customer.parquet File path: /data/customer.parquet ... Schema: message hive_schema { required int64 custkey; required binary name (STRING); required binary address (STRING); required int64 nationkey; required binary phone (STRING); required int64 acctbal; optional binary mktsegment (STRING); optional binary comment (STRING); }
Semi-structured data, as its name suggests, is more flexible. File formats such as CSV, XML and JSON need not use a formal schema, since they can be self-describing. That is, an application can infer the structure of the data as it reads the file, a mechanism often termed “schema-on-read.”
This simple JSON example illustrates the principle. You can see how it’s possible for an application to build the schema of a product record as it reads the file:
{ "products" : [ { "name" : "Paper Shredder", "description" : "Crosscut shredder with auto-feed" }, { "name" : "Stapler", "color" : "Red" }, { "name" : "Sneakers", "size" : "11" } ] }
You can access data located in cloud object storage external to Snowflake, such as Backblaze B2, by creating an external stage. The external stage is a Snowflake database object that holds a URL for the external location, as well as configuration (e.g., credentials) required to access the data. For example:
CREATE STAGE b2_stage URL = 's3compat://your-b2-bucket-name/' ENDPOINT = '' REGION = 'your-region' CREDENTIALS = ( AWS_KEY_ID = 'your-application-key-id' AWS_SECRET_KEY = 'your-application-key' );
You can create an external table to query data stored in an external stage as if the data were inside a table in Snowflake, specifying the table’s columns as well as filenames, file formats, and data partitioning. Just like the external stage, the external table is a database object, located in a Snowflake schema, that stores the metadata required to access data stored externally to Snowflake, rather than the data itself.
Every external table automatically contains a single VARIANT type column, named value
, that can hold arbitrary collections of fields. An external table definition for semi-structured data needs no further column definitions, only metadata such as the location of the data. For example:
When you query the external table, you can reference elements within the value column, like this:
SELECT value:name FROM product WHERE value:color = ‘Red’; +------------+ | VALUE:NAME | |------------| | "Stapler" | +------------+
Since structured data has a more rigid layout, you must define table columns (technically, in Snowflake, these are referred to as “pseudocolumns”), corresponding to the fields in the data files, in terms of the value column. For example:
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE customer ( custkey number AS (value:custkey::number), name varchar AS (value:name::varchar), address varchar AS (value:address::varchar), nationkey number AS (value:nationkey::number), phone varchar AS (value:phone::varchar), acctbal number AS (value:acctbal::number), mktsegment varchar AS (value:mktsegment::varchar), comment varchar AS (value:comment::varchar) ) LOCATION = @b2_stage/data/ FILE_FORMAT = (TYPE = PARQUET) AUTO_REFRESH = false;
Once you’ve created the external table, you can write SQL statements to query the data stored externally, just as if it were inside a table in Snowflake:
SELECT phone FROM customer WHERE name = ‘Acme, Inc.’; +----------------+ | PHONE | |----------------| | "111-222-3333" | +----------------+
The Backblaze B2 documentation includes a pair of technical articles that go further into the details, describing how to export data from Snowflake to an external table stored in Backblaze B2, and how to create an external table definition for existing structured data stored in Backblaze B2.
The term “unstructured”, in this context, refers to data such as images, audio, and video, that cannot be defined in terms of a data model. You still need to create an external stage to access unstructured data located outside of Snowflake, but, rather than creating external tables and writing SQL queries, you typically access unstructured data from custom code running in Snowflake’s Snowpark environment.
Here’s an excerpt from a Snowflake user-defined function, written in Python, that loads an image file from an external stage:
from snowflake.snowpark.files import SnowflakeFile # The file_path argument is a scoped Snowflake file URL to a file in the # external stage, created with the BUILD_SCOPED_FILE_URL function. # It has the form # def generate_image_label(file_path): # Read the image file with, 'rb') as f: image_bytes = f.readall() ...
In this example, the user-defined function reads an image file from an external stage, then runs an ML model on the image data to generate a label for the image according to its content. A Snowflake task using this user-defined function can insert rows into a table of image names and labels as image files are uploaded into a Backblaze B2 Bucket. You can learn more about this use case in particular, and loading unstructured data from Backblaze B2 into Snowflake in general, from the Backblaze Tech Day ‘23 session that I co-presented with Snowflake Product Manager Saurin Shah:
Given that, currently, Snowflake charges at least $23/TB/month for data storage on its platform compared to Backblaze B2 at $6/TB/month, it might seem tempting to move your data wholesale from Snowflake to Backblaze B2 and create external tables to replace tables currently residing in Snowflake. There are, however, a couple of caveats to mention: performance and egress costs.
The same query on the same dataset will run much more quickly against tables inside Snowflake than the corresponding external tables. A comprehensive analysis of performance and best practices for Snowflake external tables is a whole other blog post, but, as an example, one of my queries that completes in 30 seconds against a table in Snowflake takes three minutes to run against the same data in an external table.
Similarly, when you query an external table located in Backblaze B2, Snowflake must download data across the internet. Data formats such as Parquet can make this very efficient, organizing data column-wise and compressing it to minimize the amount of data that must be transferred. But, some amount of data still has to be moved from Backblaze B2 to Snowflake. Downloading data from Backblaze B2 is free of charge for up to 3x your average monthly data footprint, then $0.01/GB for additional egress, so there is a trade-off between data storage cost and data transfer costs for frequently-accessed data.
Some data naturally lives on one platform or the other. Frequently-accessed tables should probably be located in Snowflake. Media files, that might only ever need to be downloaded once to be processed by code running in Snowpark, belong in Backblaze B2. The gray area is large datasets that will only be accessed a few times a month, where the performance disparity is not an issue, and the amount of data transferred might fit into Backblaze B2’s free egress allowance. By understanding how you access your data, and doing some math, you’re better able to choose the right cloud storage tool for your specific tasks.
The post Data-Driven Decisions With Snowflake and Backblaze B2 appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.
]]>The post How to Run AI/ML Workloads on CoreWeave + Backblaze appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.
]]>Backblaze compute partner CoreWeave is a specialized GPU cloud provider designed to power use cases such as AI/ML, graphics, and rendering up to 35x faster and for 80% less than generalized public clouds. Brandon Jacobs, an infrastructure architect at CoreWeave, joined us earlier this year for Backblaze Tech Day ‘23. Brandon and I co-presented a session explaining both how to backup CoreWeave Cloud storage volumes to Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage and how to load a model from Backblaze B2 into the CoreWeave Cloud inference stack.
Since we recently published an article covering the backup process, in this blog post I’ll focus on loading a large language model (LLM) directly from Backblaze B2 into CoreWeave Cloud.
Below is the session recording from Tech Day; feel free to watch it instead of, or in addition to, reading this article.
In the Tech Day session, Brandon covered the two sides of CoreWeave Cloud:
To maximize performance, CoreWeave provides a fully-managed Kubernetes environment running on bare metal, with no hypervisors between your containers and the hardware.
CoreWeave provides a range of storage options: storage volumes that can be directly mounted into Kubernetes pods as block storage or a shared file system, running on solid state drives (SSDs) or hard disk drives (HDDs), as well as their own native S3 compatible object storage. Knowing that, you’re probably wondering, “Why bother with Backblaze B2, when CoreWeave has their own object storage?”
The answer echoes the first few words of this blog post—CoreWeave’s object storage is a specialized implementation, co-located with their GPU compute infrastructure, with high-bandwidth networking and caching. Backblaze B2, in contrast, is general purpose cloud object storage, and includes features such as Object Lock and lifecycle rules, that are not as relevant to CoreWeave’s object storage. There is also a price differential. Currently, at $6/TB/month, Backblaze B2 is one-fifth of the cost of CoreWeave’s object storage.
So, as Brandon and I explained in the session, CoreWeave’s native storage is a great choice for both the training and inference use cases, where you need the fastest possible access to data, while Backblaze B2 shines as longer term storage for training, model, and inference data as well as the destination for data output from the inference process. In addition, since Backblaze and CoreWeave are bandwidth partners, you can transfer data between our two clouds with no egress fees, freeing you from unpredictable data transfer costs.
To demonstrate how to load an archived model from Backblaze B2, I used CoreWeave’s GPT-2 sample. GPT-2 is an earlier version of the GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 LLMs used in ChatGPT. As such, it’s an accessible way to get started with LLMs, but, as you’ll see, it certainly doesn’t pass the Turing test!
This sample comprises two applications: a transformer and a predictor. The transformer implements a REST API, handling incoming prompt requests from client apps, encoding each prompt into a tensor, which the transformer passes to the predictor. The predictor applies the GPT-2 model to the input tensor, returning an output tensor to the transformer for decoding into text that is returned to the client app. The two applications have different hardware requirements—the predictor needs a GPU, while the transformer is satisfied with just a CPU, so they are configured as separate Kubernetes pods, and can be scaled up and down independently.
Since the GPT-2 sample includes instructions for loading data from Amazon S3, and Backblaze B2 features an S3 compatible API, it was a snap to modify the sample to load data from a Backblaze B2 Bucket. In fact, there was just a single line to change, in the s3-secret.yaml
configuration file. The file is only 10 lines long, so here it is in its entirety:
apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: s3-secret annotations: type: Opaque data: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: <my-backblaze-b2-application-key-id> AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: <my-backblaze-b2-application-key>
As you can see, all I had to do was set the
metadata annotation to my Backblaze B2 Bucket’s endpoint and paste in an application key and its ID.
While that was the only Backblaze B2-specific edit, I did have to configure the bucket and path where my model was stored. Here’s an excerpt from gpt-s3-inferenceservice.yaml
, which configures the inference service itself:
apiVersion: kind: InferenceService metadata: name: gpt-s3 annotations: # Target concurrency of 4 active requests to each container "4" Tesla_V100 spec: default: predictor: minReplicas: 0 # Allow scale to zero maxReplicas: 2 serviceAccountName: s3-sa # The B2 credentials are retrieved from the service account tensorflow: # B2 bucket and path where the model is stored storageUri: s3://<my-bucket>/model-storage/124M/ runtimeVersion: "1.14.0-gpu" ...
Aside from storageUri
configuration, you can see how the predictor application’s pod is configured to scale from between zero and two instances (“replicas” in Kubernetes terminology). The remainder of the file contains the transformer pod configuration, allowing it to scale from zero to a single instance.
Spinning up the inference service involved a kubectl apply
command for each configuration file and a short wait for the CoreWeave GPU cloud to bring up the compute and networking infrastructure. Once the predictor and transformer services were ready, I used curl to submit my first prompt to the transformer endpoint:
% curl -d '{"instances": ["That was easy"]}' {"predictions": ["That was easy for some people, it's just impossible for me,\" Davis said. \"I'm still trying to" ]}
In the video, I repeated the exercise, feeding GPT-2’s response back into it as a prompt a few times to generate a few paragraphs of text. Here’s what it came up with:
“That was easy: If I had a friend who could take care of my dad for the rest of his life, I would’ve known. If I had a friend who could take care of my kid. He would’ve been better for him than if I had to rely on him for everything.
The problem is, no one is perfect. There are always more people to be around than we think. No one cares what anyone in those parts of Britain believes,
The other problem is that every decision the people we’re trying to help aren’t really theirs. If you have to choose what to do”
If you’ve used ChatGPT, you’ll recognize how far LLMs have come since GPT-2’s release in 2019!
While CoreWeave’s GPT-2 sample is an excellent introduction to the world of LLMs, it’s a bit limited. If you’re looking to get deeper into generative AI, another sample, Fine-tune Large Language Models with CoreWeave Cloud, shows how to fine-tune a model from the more recent EleutherAI Pythia suite.
Since CoreWeave is a specialized GPU cloud designed to deliver best-in-class performance up to 35x faster and 80% less expensive than generalized public clouds, it’s a great choice for workloads such as AI, ML, rendering, and more, and, as you’ve seen in this blog post, easy to integrate with Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage, with no data transfer costs. For more information, contact the CoreWeave team.
The post How to Run AI/ML Workloads on CoreWeave + Backblaze appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.
]]>The post Digging Deeper Into Object Lock appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.
]]>Using Object Lock for your data is a smart choice—you can protect your data from ransomware, meet compliance requirements, beef up your security policy, or preserve data for legal reasons. But, it’s not a simple on/off switch, and accidentally locking your data for 100 years is a mistake you definitely don’t want to make.
Today we’re taking a deeper dive into Object Lock and the related legal hold feature, examining the different levels of control that are available, explaining why developers might want to build Object Lock into their own applications, and showing exactly how to do that. While the code samples are aimed at our developer audience, anyone looking for a deeper understanding of Object Lock should be able to follow along.
I presented a webinar on this topic earlier this year that covers much the same ground as this blog post, so feel free to watch it instead of, or in addition to, reading this article.
For even more information on Object Lock, check out our Object Lock overview in our Technical Documentation Portal as well as these how-tos about how to enable Object Lock using the Backblaze web UI, Backblaze B2 Native API, and the Backblaze S3 Compatible API:
In the simplest explanation, Object Lock is a way to lock objects (aka files) stored in Backblaze B2 so that they are immutable—that is, they cannot be deleted or modified, for a given period of time, even by the user account that set the Object Lock rule. Backblaze B2’s implementation of Object Lock was originally known as File Lock, and you may encounter the older terminology in some documentation and articles. For consistency, I’ll use the term “object” in this blog post, but in this context it has exactly the same meaning as “file.”
Object Lock is a widely offered feature included with backup applications such as Veeam and MSP360, allowing organizations to ensure that their backups are not vulnerable to deliberate or accidental deletion or modification for some configurable retention period.
Ransomware mitigation is a common motivation for protecting data with Object Lock. Even if an attacker were to compromise an organization’s systems to the extent of accessing the application keys used to manage data in Backblaze B2, they would not be able to delete or change any locked data. Similarly, Object Lock guards against insider threats, where the attacker may try to abuse legitimate access to application credentials.
Object Lock is also used in industries that store sensitive or personal identifiable information (PII) such as banking, education, and healthcare. Because they work with such sensitive data, regulatory requirements dictate that data be retained for a given period of time, but data must also be deleted in particular circumstances.
For example, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), an important component of the EU’s privacy laws and an international regulatory standard that drives best practices, may dictate that some data must be deleted when a customer closes their account. A related use case is where data must be preserved due to litigation, where the period for which data must be locked is not fixed and depends on the type of lawsuit at hand.
To handle these requirements, Backblaze B2 offers two Object Lock modes—compliance and governance—as well as the legal hold feature. Let’s take a look at the differences between them.
When objects are locked in compliance mode, not only can they not be deleted or modified while the lock is in place, but the lock also cannot be removed during the specified retention period. It is not possible to remove or override the compliance lock to delete locked data until the lock expires, whether you’re attempting to do so via the Backblaze web UI or either of the S3 Compatible or B2 Native APIs. Similarly, Backblaze Support is unable to unlock or delete data locked under compliance mode in response to a support request, which is a safeguard designed to address social engineering attacks where an attacker impersonates a legitimate user.
What if you inadvertently lock many terabytes of data for several years? Are you on the hook for thousands of dollars of storage costs? Thankfully, no—you have one escape route, which is to close your Backblaze account. Closing the account is a multi-step process that requires access to both the account login credentials and two-factor verification (if it is configured) and results in the deletion of all data in that account, locked or unlocked. This is a drastic step, so we recommend that developers create one or more “burner” Backblaze accounts for use in developing and testing applications that use Object Lock, that can be closed if necessary without disrupting production systems.
There is one lock-related operation you can perform on compliance-locked objects: extending the retention period. In fact, you can keep extending the retention period on locked data any number of times, protecting that data from deletion until you let the compliance lock expire.
In our other Object Lock option, objects can be locked in governance mode for a given retention period. But, in contrast to compliance mode, the governance lock can be removed or overridden via an API call, if you have an application key with appropriate capabilities. Governance mode handles use cases that require retention of data for some fixed period of time, with exceptions for particular circumstances.
When I’m trying to remember the difference between compliance and governance mode, I think of the phrase, “Twenty seconds to comply!”, uttered by the ED-209 armed robot in the movie “RoboCop.” It turned out that there was no way to override ED-209’s programming, with dramatic, and fatal, consequences.
While the compliance and governance retention modes lock objects for a given retention period, legal hold is more like a toggle switch: you can turn it on and off at any time, again with an application key with sufficient capabilities. As its name suggests, legal hold is ideal for situations where data must be preserved for an unpredictable period of time, such as while litigation is proceeding.
The compliance and governance modes are mutually exclusive, which is to say that only one may be in operation at any time. Objects locked in governance mode can be switched to compliance mode, but, as you might expect from the above explanation, objects locked in compliance mode cannot be switched to governance mode until the compliance lock expires.
Legal hold, on the other hand, operates independently, and can be enabled and disabled regardless of whether an object is locked in compliance or governance mode.
How does this work? Consider an object that is locked in compliance or governance mode and has legal hold enabled:
By default, Backblaze B2 Buckets have versioning enabled, so as you upload successive objects with the same name, previous versions are preserved automatically. None of the Object Lock modes prevent you from uploading a new version of a locked object; the lock is specific to the object version to which it was applied.
You can also hide a locked object so it doesn’t appear in object listings. The hidden version is retained and can be revealed using the Backblaze web UI or an API call.
As you might expect, locked object versions are not subject to deletion by lifecycle rules—any attempt to delete a locked object version via a lifecycle rule will fail.
Now that you understand the two modes of Object Lock, plus legal hold, and how they all work with object versions, let’s look at how you can take advantage of this functionality in your applications. I’ll include code samples for Backblaze B2’s S3 Compatible API written in Python, using the AWS SDK, aka Boto3, in this blog post. You can find details on working with Backblaze B2’s Native API in the documentation.
Every application key you create for Backblaze B2 has an associated set of capabilities; each capability allows access to a specific functionality in Backblaze B2. There are seven capabilities relevant to object lock and legal hold.
Two capabilities relate to bucket settings:
Three capabilities relate to object settings for retention:
And, two are specific to Object Lock:
The Backblaze B2 documentation contains full details of each capability and the API calls it relates to for both the S3 Compatible API and the B2 Native API.
When you create an application key via the web UI, it is assigned capabilities according to whether you allow it access to all buckets or just a single bucket, and whether you assign it read-write, read-only, or write-only access.
An application key created in the web UI with read-write access to all buckets will receive all of the above capabilities. A key with read-only access to all buckets will receive readBucketRetentions
, readFileRetentions
, and readFileLegalHolds
. Finally, a key with write-only access to all buckets will receive bypassGovernance
, writeBucketRetentions
, writeFileRetentions
, and writeFileLegalHolds
In contrast, an application key created in the web UI restricted to a single bucket is not assigned any of the above permissions. When an application using such a key uploads objects to its associated bucket, they receive the default retention mode and period for the bucket, if they have been set. The application is not able to select a different retention mode or period when uploading an object, change the retention settings on an existing object, or bypass governance when deleting an object.
You may want to create application keys with more granular permissions when working with Object Lock and/or legal hold. For example, you may need an application restricted to a single bucket to be able to toggle legal hold for objects in that bucket. You can use the Backblaze B2 CLI to create an application key with this, or any other set of capabilities. This command, for example, creates a key with the default set of capabilities for read-write access to a single bucket, plus the ability to read and write the legal hold setting:
% b2 create-key --bucket my-bucket-name my-key-name listBuckets,readBuckets,listFiles,readFiles,shareFiles,writeFiles,deleteFiles,readBucketEncryption,writeBucketEncryption,readBucketReplications,writeBucketReplications,readFileLegalHolds,writeFileLegalHolds
You must enable Object Lock on a bucket before you can lock any objects therein; you can do this when you create the bucket, or at any time later, but you cannot disable Object Lock on a bucket once it has been enabled. Here’s how you create a bucket with Object Lock enabled:
s3_client.create_bucket( Bucket='my-bucket-name', ObjectLockEnabledForBucket=True )
Once a bucket’s settings have Object Lock enabled, you can configure a default retention mode and period for objects that are created in that bucket. Only compliance mode is configurable from the web UI, but you can set governance mode as the default via an API call, like this:
s3_client.put_object_lock_configuration( Bucket='my-bucket-name', ObjectLockConfiguration={ 'ObjectLockEnabled': 'Enabled', 'Rule': { 'DefaultRetention': { 'Mode': 'GOVERNANCE', 'Days': 7 } } } )
You cannot set legal hold as a default configuration for the bucket.
Regardless of whether you set a default retention mode for the bucket, you can explicitly set a retention mode and period when you upload objects, or apply the same settings to existing objects, provided you use an application key with the appropriate writeFileRetentions
or writeFileLegalHolds
Both the S3 PutObject
operation and Backblaze B2’s b2_upload_file
include optional parameters for specifying retention mode and period, and/or legal hold. For example:
s3_client.put_object( Body=open('/path/to/local/file', mode='rb'), Bucket='my-bucket-name', Key='my-object-name', ObjectLockMode='GOVERNANCE', ObjectLockRetainUntilDate=datetime( 2023, 9, 7, hour=10, minute=30, second=0 ) )
Both APIs implement additional operations to get and set retention settings and legal hold for existing objects. Here’s an example of how you apply a governance mode lock:
s3_client.put_object_retention( Bucket='my-bucket-name', Key='my-object-name', VersionId='some-version-id', Retention={ 'Mode': 'GOVERNANCE', # Required, even if mode is not changed 'RetainUntilDate': datetime( 2023, 9, 5, hour=10, minute=30, second=0 ) } )
The VersionId
parameter is optional: the operation applies to the current object version if it is omitted.
You can also use the web UI to view, but not change, an object’s retention settings, and to toggle legal hold for an object:
As mentioned above, a key difference between the compliance and governance modes is that it is possible to override governance mode to delete an object, given an application key with the bypassGovernance
capability. To do so, you must identify the specific object version, and pass a flag to indicate that you are bypassing the governance retention restriction:
# Get object details, including version id of current version object_info = s3_client.head_object( Bucket='my-bucket-name', Key='my-object-name' ) # Delete the most recent object version, bypassing governance s3_client.delete_object( Bucket='my-bucket-name', Key='my-object-name', VersionId=object_info['VersionId'], BypassGovernanceRetention=True )
There is no way to delete an object in legal hold; the legal hold must be removed before the object can be deleted.
Object Lock is a powerful feature, and with great power… you know the rest. Here are some of the questions you should ask when deciding whether to implement Object Lock in your applications:
If you already have a Backblaze B2 account, you can start working with Object Lock today; otherwise, create an account to get started.
The post Digging Deeper Into Object Lock appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.
]]>The post How We Achieved Upload Speeds Faster Than AWS S3 appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.
]]>You don’t always need the absolute fastest cloud storage—your performance requirements depend on your use case, business objectives, and security needs. But still, faster is usually better. And Backblaze just announced innovation on B2 Cloud Storage that delivers a lot more speed: most file uploads will now be up to 30% faster than AWS S3.
Today, I’m diving into all of the details of this performance improvement, how we did it, and what it means for you.
The Results: Customers who rely on small file uploads (1MB or less) can expect to see 10–30% faster uploads on average based on our tests, all without any change to durability, availability, or pricing.
What Does This Mean for You?
All B2 Cloud Storage customers will benefit from these performance enhancements, especially those who use Backblaze B2 as a storage destination for data protection software. Small uploads of 1MB or less make up about 70% of all uploads to B2 Cloud Storage and are common for backup and archive workflows. Specific benefits of the performance upgrades include:
Veeam® is dedicated to working alongside our partners to innovate and create a united front against cyber threats and attacks. The new performance improvements released by Backblaze for B2 Cloud Storage furthers our mission to provide radical resilience to our joint customers.
—Andreas Neufert, Vice President, Product Management, Alliances, Veeam
When Can I Expect Faster Uploads?
Today. The performance upgrades have been fully rolled out across Backblaze’s global data regions.
How We Did It
Prior to this work, when a customer uploaded a file to Backblaze B2, the data was written to multiple hard disk drives (HDDs). Those operations had to be completed before returning a response to the client. Now, we write the incoming data to the same HDDs and also, simultaneously, to a pool of solid state drives (SSDs) we call a “shard stash,” waiting only for the HDD writes to make it to the filesystems’ in-memory caches and the SSD writes to complete before returning a response. Once the writes to HDD are complete, we free up the space from the SSDs so it can be reused.
Since writing data to an SSD is much faster than writing to HDDs, the net result is faster uploads.
That’s just a brief summary; if you’re interested in the technical details (as well as the results of some rigorous testing), read on!
As you might recall from many Drive Stats blog posts and webinars, Backblaze stores all customer data on HDDs, affectionately termed ‘spinning rust’ by some. We’ve historically reserved SSDs for Storage Pod (storage server) boot drives.
Until now.
That’s right—SSDs have entered the data storage chat. To achieve these performance improvements, we combined the performance of SSDs with the cost efficiency of HDDs. First, I’ll dig into a bit of history to add some context to how we went about the upgrades.
IBM shipped the first hard drive way back in 1957, so it’s fair to say that the HDD is a mature technology. Drive capacity and data rates have steadily increased over the decades while cost per byte has fallen dramatically. That first hard drive, the IBM RAMAC 350, had a total capacity of 3.75MB, and cost $34,500. Adjusting for inflation, that’s about $375,000, equating to $100,000 per MB, or $100 billion per TB, in 2023 dollars.
Today, the 16TB version of the Seagate Exos X16—an HDD widely deployed in the Backblaze B2 Storage Cloud—retails for around $260, $16.25 per TB. If it had the same cost per byte as the IBM RAMAC 250, it would sell for $1.6 trillion—around the current GDP of Australia!
SSDs, by contrast, have only been around since 1991, when SanDisk’s 20MB drive shipped in IBM ThinkPad laptops for an OEM price of about $1,000. Let’s consider a modern SSD: the 3.2TB Micron 7450 MAX. Retailing at around $360, the Micron SSD is priced at $112.50 per TB, nearly seven times as much as the Seagate HDD.
So, HDDs easily beat SSDs in terms of storage cost, but what about performance? Here are the numbers from the manufacturers’ data sheets:
Seagate Exos X16 | Micron 7450 MAX | |
Model number | ST16000NM001G | MTFDKCB3T2TFS |
Capacity | 16TB | 3.2TB |
Drive cost | $260 | $360 |
Cost per TB | $16.25 | $112.50 |
Max sustained read rate (MB/s) | 261 | 6,800 |
Max sustained write rate (MB/s) | 261 | 5,300 |
Random read rate, 4kB blocks, IOPS | 170/440* | 1,000,000 |
Random write rate, 4kB blocks, IOPS | 170/440* | 390,000 |
Since HDD platters rotate at a constant rate, 7,200 RPM in this case, they can transfer more blocks per revolution at the outer edge of the disk than close to the middle—hence the two figures for the X16’s transfer rate.
The SSD is over 20 times as fast at sustained data transfer than the HDD, but look at the difference in random transfer rates! Even when the HDD is at its fastest, transferring blocks from the outer edge of the disk, the SSD is over 2,200 times faster reading data and nearly 900 times faster for writes.
This massive difference is due to the fact that, when reading data from random locations on the disk, the platters have to complete an average of 0.5 revolutions between blocks. At 7,200 rotations per minute (RPM), that means that the HDD spends about 4.2ms just spinning to the next block before it can even transfer data. In contrast, the SSD’s data sheet quotes its latency as just 80µs (that’s 0.08ms) for reads and 15µs (0.015ms) for writes, between 84 and 280 times faster than the spinning disk.
Let’s consider a real-world operation, say, writing 64kB of data. Assuming the HDD can write that data to sequential disk sectors, it will spin for an average of 4.2ms, then spend 0.25ms writing the data to the disk, for a total of 4.5ms. The SSD, in contrast, can write the data to any location instantaneously, taking just 27µs (0.027ms) to do so. This (somewhat theoretical) 167x speed advantage is the basis for the performance improvement.
Why did I choose a 64kB block? As we mentioned in a recent blog post focusing on cloud storage performance, in general, bigger files are better when it comes to the aggregate time required to upload a dataset. However, there may be other requirements that push for smaller files. Many backup applications split data into fixed size blocks for upload as files to cloud object storage. There is a trade-off in choosing the block size: larger blocks improve backup speed, but smaller blocks reduce the amount of storage required. In practice, backup blocks may be as small as 1MB or even 256kB. The 64kB blocks we used in the calculation above represent the shards that comprise a 1MB file.
The challenge facing our engineers was to take advantage of the speed of solid state storage to accelerate small file uploads without breaking the bank.
When a client application uploads a file to the Backblaze B2 Storage Cloud, a coordinator pod splits the file into 16 data shards, creates four additional parity shards, and writes the resulting 20 shards to 20 different HDDs, each in a different Pod.
Note: As HDD capacity increases, so does the time required to recover after a drive failure, so we periodically adjust the ratio between data shards and parity shards to maintain our eleven nines durability target. In the past, you’ve heard us talk about 17 + 3 as the ratio but we also run 16 + 4 and our very newest vaults use a 15 + 5 scheme.
Each Pod writes the incoming shard to its local filesystem; in practice, this means that the data is written to an in-memory cache and will be written to the physical disk at some point in the near future. Any requests for the file can be satisfied from the cache, but the data hasn’t actually been persistently stored yet.
We need to be absolutely certain that the shards have been written to disk before we return a “success” response to the client, so each Pod executes an fsync system call to transfer (“flush”) the shard data from system memory through the HDD’s write cache to the disk itself before returning its status to the coordinator. When the coordinator has received at least 19 successful responses, it returns a success response to the client. This ensures that, even if the entire data center was to lose power immediately after the upload, the data would be preserved.
As we explained above, for small blocks of data, the vast majority of the time spent writing the data to disk is spent waiting for the drive platter to spin to the correct location. Writing shards to SSD could result in a significant performance gain for small files, but what about that 7x cost difference?
Our engineers came up with a way to have our cake and eat it too by harnessing the speed of SSDs without a massive increase in cost. Now, upon receiving a file of 1MB or less, the coordinator splits it into shards as before, then simultaneously sends the shards to a set of 20 Pods and a separate pool of servers, each populated with 10 of the Micron SSDs described above—a “shard stash.” The shard stash servers easily win the “flush the data to disk” race and return their status to the coordinator in just a few milliseconds. Meanwhile, each HDD Pod writes its shard to the filesystem, queues up a task to flush the shard data to the disk, and returns an acknowledgement to the coordinator.
Once the coordinator has received replies establishing that at least 19 of the 20 Pods have written their shards to the filesystem, and at least 19 of the 20 shards have been flushed to the SSDs, it returns its response to the client. Again, if power was to fail at this point, the data has already been safely written to solid state storage.
We don’t want to leave the data on the SSDs any longer than we have to, so, each Pod, once it’s finished flushing its shard to disk, signals to the shard stash that it can purge its copy of the shard.
As I mentioned above, that calculated 167x performance advantage of SSDs over HDDs is somewhat theoretical. In the real world, the time required to upload a file also depends on a number of other factors—proximity to the data center, network speed, and all of the software and hardware between the client application and the storage device, to name a few.
The first Backblaze region to receive the performance upgrade was U.S. East, located in Reston, Virginia. Over a 12-day period following the shard stash deployment there, the average time to upload a 256kB file was 118ms, while a 1MB file clocked in at 137ms. To replicate a typical customer environment, we ran the test application at our partner Vultr’s New Jersey data center, uploading data to Backblaze B2 across the public internet.
For comparison, we ran the same test against Amazon S3’s U.S. East (Northern Virginia) region, a.k.a. us-east-1
, from the same machine in New Jersey. On average, uploading a 256kB file to S3 took 157ms, with a 1MB file taking 153ms.
So, comparing the Backblaze B2 U.S. East region to the Amazon S3 equivalent, we benchmarked the new, improved Backblaze B2 as 30% faster than S3 for 256kB files and 10% faster than S3 for 1MB files.
These low-level tests were confirmed when we timed Veeam Backup & Replication software backing up 1TB of virtual machines with 256k block sizes. Backing the server up to Amazon S3 took three hours and 12 minutes; we measured the same backup to Backblaze B2 at just two hours and 15 minutes, 40% faster than S3.
We wrote a simple Python test app using the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3). Each test run involved timing 100 file uploads using the S3 PutObject API, with a 10ms delay between each upload. (FYI, the delay is not included in the measured time.) The test app used a single HTTPS connection across the test run, following best practice for API usage. We’ve been running the test on a VM in Vultr’s New Jersey region every six hours for the past few weeks against both our U.S. East region and its AWS neighbor. Latency to the Backblaze B2 API endpoint averaged 5.7ms, to the Amazon S3 API endpoint 7.8ms, as measured across 100 ping requests.
At the time of writing, shard stash servers have been deployed to all of our data centers, across all of our regions. In fact, you might even have noticed small files uploading faster already. It’s important to note that this particular optimization is just one of a series of performance improvements that we’ve implemented, with more to come. It’s safe to say that all of our Backblaze B2 customers will enjoy faster uploads and downloads, no matter their storage workload.
The post How We Achieved Upload Speeds Faster Than AWS S3 appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.
]]>The post Big Performance Improvements in Rclone 1.64.0, but Should You Upgrade? appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.
]]>Rclone is an open source, command line tool for file management, and it’s widely used to copy data between local storage and an array of cloud storage services, including Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage. Rclone has had a long association with Backblaze—support for Backblaze B2 was added back in January 2016, just two months before we opened Backblaze B2’s public beta, and five months before the official launch—and it’s become an indispensable tool for many Backblaze B2 customers. If you want to explore the solution further, check out the Integration Guide.
Rclone v1.64.0, released last week, includes a new implementation of multithreaded data transfers, promising much faster data transfer of large files between cloud storage services.
UPDATE: rclone v1.64.1 was released on October 17, 2023, fixing the bug that caused some multipart uploads to fail with a “sizes differ” error, as well as a couple of other bugs that crept in during the rewrite of rclone’s B2 integration in v1.64.0. Our testing confirms that rclone v1.64.1 delivers the same performance improvements as v1.64.0 while fixing the issues we encountered with that version. Go ahead and upgrade rclone to v1.64.1 (or whatever the current version is when you read this)!
Does it deliver? Should you upgrade? Read on to find out!
Something of a Swiss Army Knife for cloud storage, rclone can copy files, synchronize directories, and even mount remote storage as a local filesystem. Previous versions of rclone were able to take advantage of multithreading to accelerate the transfer of “large” files (by default at least 256MB), but the benefits were limited.
When transferring files from a storage system to Backblaze B2, rclone would read chunks of the file into memory in a single reader thread, starting a set of multiple writer threads to simultaneously write those chunks to Backblaze B2. When the source storage was a local disk (the common case) as opposed to remote storage such as Backblaze B2, this worked really well—the operation of moving files from local disk to Backblaze B2 was quite fast. However, when the source was another remote storage—say, transferring from Amazon S3 to Backblaze B2, or even Backblaze B2 to Backblaze B2—data chunks were read into memory by that single reader thread at about the same rate as they could be written to the destination, meaning that all but one of the writer threads were idle.
Rclone v1.64.0 completely refactors multithreaded transfers. Now rclone starts a single set of threads, each of which both reads a chunk of data from the source service into memory, and then writes that chunk to the destination service, iterating through a subset of chunks until the transfer is complete. The threads transfer their chunks of data in parallel, and each transfer is independent of the others. This architecture is both simpler and much, much faster.
How much faster? I spun up a virtual machine (VM) via our compute partner, Vultr, and downloaded both rclone v1.64.0 and the preceding version, v1.63.1. As a quick test, I used Rclone’s copyto
command to copy 1GB and 10GB files from Amazon S3 to Backblaze B2, like this:
rclone --no-check-dest copyto s3remote:my-s3-bucket/1gigabyte-test-file b2remote:my-b2-bucket/1gigabyte-test-file
Note that I made no attempt to “tune” rclone for my environment by setting the chunk size or number of threads. I was interested in the out of the box performance. I used the --no-check-dest
flag so that rclone would overwrite the destination file each time, rather than detecting that the files were the same and skipping the copy.
I ran each copyto
operation three times, then calculated the average time. Here are the results; all times are in seconds:
Rclone version | 1GB | 10GB |
1.63.1 | 52.87 | 725.04 |
1.64.0 | 18.64 | 240.45 |
As you can see, the difference is significant! The new rclone transferred both files around three times faster than the previous version.
So, copying individual large files is much faster with the latest version of rclone. How about migrating a whole bucket containing a variety of file sizes from Amazon S3 to Backblaze B2, which is a more typical operation for a new Backblaze customer? I used rclone’s copy
command to transfer the contents of an Amazon S3 bucket—2.8GB of data, comprising 35 files ranging in size from 990 bytes to 412MB—to a Backblaze B2 Bucket:
rclone --fast-list --no-check-dest copyto s3remote:my-s3-bucket b2remote:my-b2-bucket
Much to my dismay, this command failed, returning errors related to the files being corrupted in transfer, for example:
2023/09/18 16:00:37 ERROR : tpcds-benchmark/catalog_sales/20221122_161347_00795_djagr_3a042953-d0a2-4b8d-8c4e-6a88df245253: corrupted on transfer: sizes differ 244695498 vs 0
Rclone was reporting that the transferred files in the destination bucket contained zero bytes, and deleting them to avoid the use of corrupt data.
After some investigation, I discovered that the files were actually being transferred successfully, but a bug in rclone 1.64.0 (now fixed—see below!) caused the app to incorrectly interpret some successful transfers as corrupted, and thus delete the transferred file from the destination.
I was able to use the --ignore-size
flag to workaround the bug by disabling the file size check so I could continue with my testing:
rclone --fast-list --no-check-dest --ignore-size copyto s3remote:my-s3-bucket b2remote:my-b2-bucket
Note the use of the --fast-list
flag. By default, rclone’s method of reading the contents of cloud storage buckets minimizes memory usage at the expense of making a “list files” call for every subdirectory being processed. Backblaze B2’s list files API, b2_list_file_names
, is a class C transaction, priced at $0.004 per 1,000 with 2,500 free per day. This doesn’t sound like a lot of money, but using rclone with large file hierarchies can generate a huge number of transactions. Backblaze B2 customers have either hit their configured caps or incurred significant transaction charges on their account when using rclone without the --fast-list
We recommend you always use --fast-list
with rclone if at all possible. You can set an environment variable so you don’t have to include the flag in every command:
Again, I performed the copy operation three times, and averaged the results:
Rclone version | 2.8GB tree |
1.63.1 | 56.92 |
1.64.0 | 42.47 |
Since the bucket contains both large and small files, we see a lesser, but still significant, improvement in performance with rclone v1.64.0—it’s about 33% faster than the previous version with this set of files.
As outlined above, rclone v1.64.0 contains a bug that can cause copy (and presumably also sync
) operations to fail. If you want to upgrade to v1.64.0 now, you’ll have to use the --ignore-size
workaround. If you don’t want to use the workaround, it’s probably best to hold off until rclone releases v1.64.1, when the bug fix will likely be deployed—I’ll come back and update this blog entry when I’ve tested it!
Rclone v1.64.1, released on October 17, 2023, delivers the performance improvements described above and includes a fix for the bug that caused some multipart uploads to fail with a “sizes differ” error. We’ve tested that it both delivers on the promised performance improvements and successfully copies both individual files and buckets of files. We now recommend that you upgrade rclone to v1.64.1 (or the current version as you read this)—you can find it on the rclone download page.
The post Big Performance Improvements in Rclone 1.64.0, but Should You Upgrade? appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.
]]>The post How to Use Cloud Replication to Automate Environments appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.
]]>A little over a year ago, we announced general availability of Backblaze Cloud Replication, the ability to automatically copy data across buckets, accounts, or regions. There are several ways to use this service, but today we’re focusing on how to use Cloud Replication to replicate data between environments like testing, staging, and production when developing applications.
First we’ll talk about why you might want to replicate environments and how to go about it. Then, we’ll get into the details: there are some nuances that might not be obvious when you set out to use Cloud Replication in this way, and we’ll talk about those so that you can replicate successfully.
In addition to replicating between environments, there are two main reasons you might want to use Cloud Replication:
Maintaining a redundant copy of your data sounds, well, redundant, but it is the most common use case for cloud replication. It supports disaster recovery as part of a broad cyber resilience framework, reduces the risk of downtime, and helps you comply with regulations.
The second reason (replicating data to bring it geographically closer to end users) has the goal of improving performance and user experience. We looked at this use case in detail in the webinar Low Latency Multi-Region Content Delivery with Fastly and Backblaze.
The Most Interesting Man in the World may test his code in production, but most of us prefer to lead a somewhat less “interesting” life. If you work in software development, you are likely well aware of the various types of testing, but it’s useful to review them to see how different tests might interact with data in cloud object storage.
Let’s consider a photo storage service that stores images in a Backblaze B2 Bucket. There are several real-world Backblaze customers that do exactly this, including Can Stock Photo and CloudSpot, but we’ll just imagine some of the features that any photo storage service might provide that its developers would need to write tests for.
Unit tests test the smallest components of a system. For example, our photo storage service will contain code to manipulate images in a B2 Bucket, so its developers will write unit tests to verify that each low-level operation completes successfully. A test for thumbnail creation, for example, might do the following:
A large application might have hundreds, or even thousands, of unit tests, and it’s not unusual for development teams to set up automation to run the entire test suite against every change to the system to help guard against bugs being introduced during the development process.
Typically, unit tests require a blank slate to work against, with test code creating and deleting files as illustrated above. In this scenario, the test automation might create a bucket, run the test suite, then delete the bucket, ensuring a consistent environment for each test run.
Integration tests bring together multiple components to test that they interact correctly. In our photo storage example, an integration test might combine image upload, thumbnail creation, and artificial intelligence (AI) object detection—all of the functions executed when a user adds an image to the photo storage service. In this case, the test code would do the following:
Again, integration tests operate against an empty bucket, since they test particular groups of functions in isolation, and require a consistent, known environment.
The next level of testing, system testing, verifies that the system as a whole operates as expected. System testing can be performed manually by a QA engineer following a test script, but is more likely to be automated, with test software taking the place of the user. For example, the Selenium suite of open source test tools can simulate a user interacting with a web browser. A system test for our photo storage service might operate as follows:
When we test the system at this level, we usually want to verify that it operates correctly against real-world data, rather than a synthetic test environment. Although we can generate “dummy data” to simulate the scale of a real-world system, real-world data is where we find the wrinkles and edge cases that tend to result in unexpected system behavior. For example, a German-speaking user might name an image “Schloss Schönburg.” Does the system behave correctly with non-ASCII characters such as ö in image names? Would the developers think to add such names to their dummy data?
The final testing level, acceptance testing, again involves the system as a whole. But, where system testing verifies that the software produces correct results without crashing, acceptance testing focuses on whether the software works for the user. Beta testing, where end-users attempt to work with the system, is a form of acceptance testing. Here, real-world data is essential to verify that the system is ready for release.
Of course, we can’t just use the actual production environment for system and acceptance testing, since there may be bugs that destroy data. This is where Cloud Replication comes in: we can create a replica of the production environment, complete with its quirks and edge cases, against which we can run tests with no risk of destroying real production data. The term staging environment is often used in connection with acceptance testing, with test(ing) environments used with unit, integration, and system testing.
Before we move on to look at how you can put replication into practice, it’s worth mentioning that it’s essential to determine whether you should be replicating the data at all, and what safeguards you should place on replicated data—and to do that, you’ll need to consider whether or not it is or contains personally identifiable information (PII).
The National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST) document SP 800-122 provides guidelines for identifying and protecting PII. In our example photo storage site, if the images include photographs of people that may be used to identify them, then that data may be considered PII.
In most cases, you can still replicate the data to a test or staging environment as necessary for business purposes, but you must protect it at the same level that it is protected in the production environment. Keep in mind that there are different requirements for data protection in different industries and different countries or regions, so make sure to check in with your legal or compliance team to ensure everything is up to standard.
In some circumstances, it may be preferable to use dummy data, rather than replicating real-world data. For example, if the photo storage site was used to store classified images related to national security, we would likely assemble a dummy set of images rather than replicating production data.
To replicate data in Backblaze B2, you must create a replication rule via either the web console or the B2 Native API. The replication rule specifies the source and destination buckets for replication and, optionally, advanced replication configuration. The source and destination buckets can be located in the same account, different accounts in the same region, or even different accounts in different regions; replication works just the same in all cases. While standard Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage rates apply to replicated data storage, note that Backblaze does not charge service or egress fees for replication, even between regions.
It’s easier to create replication rules in the web console, but the API allows access to two advanced features not currently accessible from the web console:
Don’t worry: this blog post provides a detailed explanation of how to create replication rules via both methods.
Once you’ve created the replication rule, files will begin to replicate at midnight UTC, and it can take several hours for the initial replication if you have a large quantity of data. Files uploaded after the initial replication rule is active are automatically replicated within a few seconds, depending on file size. You can check whether a given file has been replicated either in the web console or via the b2-get-file-info
API call. Here’s an example using curl at the command line:
% curl -s -H "Authorization: ${authorizationToken}" \ -d "{\"fileId\": \"${fileId}\"}" \ "${apiUrl}/b2api/v2/b2_get_file_info" | jq . { "accountId": "15f935cf4dcb", "action": "upload", "bucketId": "11d5cf096385dc5f841d0c1b", ... "replicationStatus": "pending", ... }
In the example response, replicationStatus
returns the response pending
; once the file has been replicated, it will change to completed
Here’s a short Python script that uses the B2 Python SDK to retrieve replication status for all files in a bucket, printing the names of any files with pending status:
import argparse import os from dotenv import load_dotenv from b2sdk.v2 import B2Api, InMemoryAccountInfo from b2sdk.replication.types import ReplicationStatus # Load credentials from .env file into environment load_dotenv() # Read bucket name from the command line parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Show files with "pending" replication status') parser.add_argument('bucket', type=str, help='a bucket name') args = parser.parse_args() # Create B2 API client and authenticate with key and ID from environment b2_api = B2Api(InMemoryAccountInfo()) b2_api.authorize_account("production", os.environ["B2_APPLICATION_KEY_ID"], os.environ["B2_APPLICATION_KEY"]) # Get the bucket object bucket = b2_api.get_bucket_by_name(args.bucket) # List all files in the bucket, printing names of files that are pending replication for file_version, folder_name in if file_version.replication_status == ReplicationStatus.PENDING: print(file_version.file_name)
Note: Backblaze B2’s S3-compatible API (just like Amazon S3 itself) does not include replication status when listing bucket contents—so for this purpose, it’s much more efficient to use the B2 Native API, as used by the B2 Python SDK.
You can pause and resume replication rules, again via the web console or the API. No files are replicated while a rule is paused. After you resume replication, newly uploaded files are replicated as before. Assuming that the replication rule does not exclude existing files, any files that were uploaded while the rule was paused will be replicated in the next midnight-UTC replication job.
The first question is: does your system and acceptance testing strategy require read-write access to the replicated data, or is read-only access sufficient?
If read-only access suffices, it might be tempting to create a read-only application key to test against the production environment, but be aware that testing and production make different demands on data. When we run a set of tests against a dataset, we usually don’t want the data to change during the test. That is: the production environment is a moving target, and we don’t want the changes that are normal in production to interfere with our tests. Creating a replica gives you a snapshot of real-world data against which you can run a series of tests and get consistent results.
It’s straightforward to create a read-only replica of a bucket: you just create a replication rule to replicate the data to a destination bucket, allow replication to complete, then pause replication. Now you can run system or acceptance tests against a static replica of your production data.
To later bring the replica up to date, simply resume replication and wait for the nightly replication job to complete. You can run the script shown in the previous section to verify that all files in the source bucket have been replicated.
Alternatively, if, as is usually the case, your tests will create, update, and/or delete files in the replica bucket, there is a bit more work to do. Since testing intends to change the dataset you’ve replicated, there is no easy way to bring the source and destination buckets back into sync—changes may have happened in both buckets while your replication rule was paused.
In this case, you must delete the replication rule, replicated files, and the replica bucket, then create a new destination bucket and rule. You can reuse the destination bucket name if you wish since, internally, replication status is tracked via the bucket ID.
In short, we all want to lead interesting lives—but let’s introduce risk in a controlled way, by testing code in the proper environments. Cloud Replication lets you achieve that end while remaining nimble, which means you get to spend more time creating interesting tests to improve your product and less time trying to figure out why your data transformed in unexpected ways.
Now you have everything you need to create test and staging environments for applications that use Backblaze B2 Cloud Object Storage. If you don’t already have a Backblaze B2 account, sign up here to receive 10GB of storage, free, to try it out.
The post How to Use Cloud Replication to Automate Environments appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.
]]>The post Discover the Secret to Lightning-Fast Big Data Analytics: Backblaze + Vultr Beats Amazon S3/EC2 by 39% appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.
]]>Over the past few months, we’ve explained how to store and query analytical data in Backblaze B2, and how to query the Drive Stats dataset using the Trino SQL query engine. Prompted by the recent expansion of Backblaze’s strategic partnership with Vultr, we took a closer look at how the Backblaze B2 + Vultr Cloud Compute combination performs for big data analytical workloads in comparison to similar services on Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Running an industry-standard benchmark, and because AWS is almost five times more expensive, we were expecting to see a trade-off between better performance on the single cloud AWS deployment and lower cost on the multi-cloud Backblaze/Vultr equivalent, but we were very pleasantly surprised by the results we saw.
Spoiler alert: not only was the Backblaze B2 + Vultr combination significantly more cost-effective than Amazon S3/EC2, it also outperformed the Amazon services by a wide margin. Read on for the details—we cover a lot of background on this experiment, but you can skip straight ahead to the results of our tests if you’d rather get to the good stuff.
Back in 2004, Google’s MapReduce paper lit a fire under the data processing industry, proposing a new “programming model and an associated implementation for processing and generating large datasets.” MapReduce was applicable to many real-world data processing tasks, and, as its name implies, presented a straightforward programming model comprising two functions (map and reduce), each operating on sets of key/value pairs. This model allowed programs to be automatically parallelized and executed on large clusters of commodity machines, making it well suited for tackling “big data” problems involving datasets ranging into the petabytes.
The Apache Hadoop project, founded in 2005, produced an open source implementation of MapReduce, as well as the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), which handled data storage. A Hadoop cluster could comprise hundreds, or even thousands, of nodes, each one responsible for both storing data to disk and running MapReduce tasks. In today’s terms, we would say that each Hadoop node combined storage and compute.
With the advent of cloud computing, more flexible big data frameworks, such as Apache Spark, decoupled storage from compute. Now organizations could store petabyte-scale datasets in cloud object storage, rather than on-premises clusters, with applications running on cloud compute platforms. Fast intra-cloud network connections and the flexibility and elasticity of the cloud computing environment more than compensated for the fact that big data applications were now accessing data via the network, rather than local storage.
Today we are moving into the next phase of cloud computing. With specialist providers such as Backblaze and Vultr each focusing on a core capability, can we move storage and compute even further apart, into different data centers? Our hypothesis was that increased latency and decreased bandwidth would severely impact performance, perhaps by a factor of two or three, but cost savings might still make for an attractive alternative to colocating storage and compute at a hyperscaler such as AWS. The tools we chose to test this hypothesis were the Trino open source SQL Query Engine and the TPC-DS benchmark.
The TPC-DS benchmark is widely used to measure the performance of systems operating on online analytical processing (OLAP) workloads, so it’s well suited for comparing deployment options for big data analytics.
A formal TPC-DS benchmark result measures query response time in single-user mode, query throughput in multiuser mode and data maintenance performance, giving a price/performance metric that can be used to compare systems from different vendors. Since we were focused on query performance rather than data loading, we simply measured the time taken for each configuration to execute TPC-DS’s set of 99 queries.
Helpfully, Trino includes a tpcds
catalog with a range of schemas each containing the tables and data to run the benchmark at a given scale. After some experimentation, we chose scale factor 10, corresponding to approximately 10GB of raw test data, as it was a good fit for our test hardware configuration. Although this test dataset was relatively small, the TPC-DS query set simulates a real-world analytical workload of complex queries, and took several minutes to complete on the test systems. It would be straightforward, though expensive and time consuming, to repeat the test for larger scale factors.
We generated raw test data from the Trino tpcds
catalog with its sf10
(scale factor 10) schema, resulting in 3GB of compressed Parquet files. We then used Greg Rahn’s version of the TPC-DS benchmark tools, tpcds-kit, to generate a standard TPC-DS 99-query script, modifying the script syntax slightly to match Trino’s SQL dialect and data types. We ran the set of 99 queries in single user mode three times on each of three combinations of compute/storage platforms: EC2/S3, EC2/B2 and Vultr/B2. The EC2/B2 combination allowed us to isolate the effect of moving storage duties to Backblaze B2 while keeping compute on Amazon EC2.
A note on data transfer costs: AWS does not charge for data transferred between an Amazon S3 bucket and an Amazon EC2 instance in the same region. In contrast, the Backblaze + Vultr partnership allows customers free data transfer between Backblaze B2 and Vultr Cloud Compute across any combination of regions.
The EC2 configuration guide for Starburst Enterprise, the commercial version of Trino, recommends a r4.4xlarge EC2 instance, a memory-optimized instance offering 16 virtual CPUs and 122 GiB RAM, running Amazon Linux 2.
Following this lead, we configured an r4.4xlarge instance with 32GB of gp2 SSD local disk storage in the us-west-1 (Northern California) region. The combined hourly cost for the EC2 instance and SSD storage was $1.19.
We created an S3 bucket in the same us-west-1 region. After careful examination of the Amazon S3 Pricing Guide, we determined that the storage cost for the data on S3 was $0.026 per GB per month.
We selected Vultr’s closest equivalent to the EC2 r4.4xlarge instance: a Memory Optimized Cloud Compute instance with 16 vCPUs, 128GB RAM plus 800GB of NVMe local storage, running Debian 11, at a cost of $0.95/hour in Vultr’s Silicon Valley region. Note the slight difference in the amount of available RAM–Vultr’s virtual machine (VM) includes an extra 6GB, despite its lower cost.
We created a Backblaze B2 Bucket located in the Sacramento, California data center of our U.S. West region, priced at $0.005/GB/month, about one-fifth the cost of Amazon S3.
We used the official Trino Docker image configured identically on the two compute platforms. Although a production Trino deployment would typically span several nodes, for simplicity, time savings, and cost-efficiency we brought up a single-node test deployment. We dedicated 78% of the VM’s RAM to Trino, and configured its Hive connector to access the Parquet files via the S3 compatible API. We followed the Trino/Backblaze B2 getting started tutorial to ensure consistency between the environments.
The table shows the time taken to complete the TPC-DS benchmark’s 99 queries. We calculated the mean of three runs for each combination of compute and storage. All times are in minutes and seconds, and a lower time is better.
We used Trino on Amazon EC2 accessing data on Amazon S3 as our starting point; this configuration ran the benchmark in 20:43.
Next, we kept Trino on Amazon EC2 and moved the data to Backblaze B2. We saw a surprisingly small difference in performance, considering that the data was no longer located in the same AWS region as the application. The EC2/B2 Storage Cloud combination ran the benchmark just 38 seconds slower (that’s about 3%), clocking in at 21:21.
When we looked at Trino running on Vultr accessing data on Amazon S3, we saw a significant increase in performance. On Vultr/S3, the benchmark ran in 15:07, 27% faster than the EC2/S3 combination. We suspect that this is due to Vultr providing faster vCPUs, more available memory, faster networking, or a combination of the three. Determining the exact reason for the performance delta would be an interesting investigation, but was out of scope for this exercise.
Finally, looking at Trino on Vultr accessing data on Backblaze B2, we were astonished to see that not only did this combination post the fastest benchmark time of all, Trino on Vultr/Backblaze B2’s time of 12:39 was 16% faster than Vultr/S3 and 39% faster than Trino on EC2/S3!
Note: this is not a formal TPC-DS result, and the query times generated cannot be compared outside this benchmarking exercise.
For the scale factor 10 TPC-DS data set and queries, with comparably specified instances, Trino running on Vultr retrieving data from Backblaze B2 is 39% faster than Trino on EC2 pulling data from S3, with 20% lower compute cost and 76% lower storage cost.
You can get started with both Backblaze B2 and Vultr free of charge—click here to sign up for Backblaze B2, with 10GB free storage forever, and click here for $250 of free credit at Vultr.
The post Discover the Secret to Lightning-Fast Big Data Analytics: Backblaze + Vultr Beats Amazon S3/EC2 by 39% appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.
]]>The post Go Wild with Wildcards in the Backblaze B2 Command Line Tool 3.7.1 appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.
]]>File transfer tools such as Cyberduck, FileZilla Pro, and Transmit implement a graphical user interface (GUI), which allows users to manage and transfer files across local storage and any number of services, including cloud object stores such as Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage. Some tasks, however, require a little more power and flexibility than a GUI can provide. This is where a command line interface (CLI) shines. A CLI typically provides finer control over operations than a GUI tool, and makes it straightforward to automate repetitive tasks. We recently released version 3.7.0 (and then, shortly thereafter, version 3.7.1) of the Backblaze B2 Command Line Tool, alongside version 1.19.0 of the underlying Backblaze B2 Python SDK. Let’s take a look at the highlights in the new releases, and why you might want to use the Backblaze B2 CLI rather than the AWS equivalent.
As you almost certainly already know, Backblaze B2 has an S3-compatible API in addition to its original API, now known as the B2 Native API. In most cases, we recommend using the S3-compatible API, since a rich ecosystem of S3 tools and knowledge has evolved over the years.
While the AWS CLI works perfectly well with Backblaze B2, and we explain how to use it in our B2 Developer Quick-Start Guide, it’s slightly clunky. The AWS CLI allows you to set your access key id and secret access key via either environment variables or a configuration file, but you must override the default endpoint on the command line with every command, like this:
% aws --endpoint-url s3api \ list-buckets
This is very tiresome if you’re working interactively at the command line! In contrast, the B2 CLI retrieves the correct endpoint from Backblaze B2 when it authenticates, so the command line is much more concise:
% b2 list-buckets
Additionally, the CLI provides fine-grain access to Backblaze B2-specific functionality, such as application key management and replication.
If you’re already familiar with CLI tools, feel free to skip to the next section.
Imagine you’ve uploaded a large number of WAV files to a Backblaze B2 Bucket for transcoding into .mp3 format. Once the transcoding is complete, and you’ve reviewed a sample of the .mp3 files, you decide that you can delete the .wav files. You can do this in a GUI tool, opening the bucket, navigating to the correct location, sorting the files by extension, selecting all of the .wav files, and deleting them. However, the CLI can do this in a single command:
% b2 rm --withWildcard --recursive my-bucket 'audio/*.wav'
If you want to be sure you’re deleting the correct files, you can add the --dryRun
option to show the files that would be deleted, rather than actually deleting them:
% b2 rm --dryRun --withWildcard --recursive my-bucket 'audio/*.wav' audio/aardvark.wav audio/barracuda.wav ... audio/yak.wav audio/zebra.wav
You can find a complete list of the CLI’s commands and their options in the documentation.
Let’s take a look at what’s new in the latest release of the Backblaze B2 CLI.
commandThe most significant addition in 3.7.0 is a whole new command: rm
. As you might expect, rm
removes files. The CLI has always included the low-level delete-file-version
command (to delete a single file version) but you had to call that multiple times and combine it with other commands to remove all versions of a file, or to remove all files with a given prefix.
The new rm
command is significantly more powerful, allowing you to delete all versions of a file in a single command:
% b2 rm --versions --withWildcard --recursive my-bucket \ images/san-mateo.png
Let’s unpack that command:
represents the command shell’s prompt. (You don’t type this.)b2:
the B2 CLI executable.rm:
the command we’re running.--versions:
apply the command to all versions. Omitting this option applies the command to just the most recent version.--withWildcard:
treat the folderName argument as a pattern to match the file name.--recursive:
descend into all folders. (This is required with --withWildcard
the bucket name.images/san-mateo.png:
the file to be deleted. There are no wildcard characters in the pattern, so the file name must match exactly. Note: there is no leading ‘/’ in Backblaze B2 file names.As mentioned above, the --dryRun
argument allows you to see what files would be deleted, without actually deleting them. Here it is with the ‘*’ wildcard to apply the command to all versions of the .png files in /images
. Note the use of quotes to avoid the command shell expanding the wildcard:
% b2 rm --dryRun --versions --withWildcard --recursive my-bucket \ 'images/*.png' images/amsterdam.png images/sacramento.png
and the folderName
argument, you can delete all of the files in a bucket. We strongly recommend you use --dryRun
first, to check that you will be deleting the correct files.% b2 rm --dryRun --versions –recursive my-bucket index.html images/amsterdam.png images/phoenix.jpeg images/sacramento.png stylesheets/style.css
option for the ls
commandThe ls
command gains the --withWildcard
option. It operates identically as described above. In fact, b2 rm --dryRun --withWildcard --recursive
executes the exact same code as b2 ls --withWildcard --recursive
. For example:
% b2 ls --withWildcard --recursive my-bucket 'images/*.png' images/amsterdam.png images/sacramento.png
You can combine --withWildcard
with any of the existing options for ls
, for example --long
% b2 ls --long --withWildcard --recursive my-bucket 'images/*.png' 4_z71d55dummyid381234ed0c1b_f108f1dummyid163b_d2dummyid_m165048_c004 _v0402014_t0016_u01dummyid48198 upload 2023-02-09 16:50:48 714686 images/amsterdam.png 4_z71d55dummyid381234ed0c1b_f1149bdummyid1141_d2dummyid_m165048_c004 _v0402010_t0048_u01dummyid48908 upload 2023-02-09 16:50:48 549261 images/sacramento.png
option for upload-file
and sync
The new --incrementalMode
option saves time and bandwidth when working with files that grow over time, such as log files, by only uploading the changes since the last upload. When you use the --incrementalMode
option with upload-file
or sync
, the B2 CLI looks for an existing file in the bucket with the b2FileName
that you supplied, and notes both its length and SHA-1 digest. Let’s call that length l. The CLI then calculates the SHA-1 digest of the first l bytes of the local file. If the digests match, then the CLI can instruct Backblaze B2 to create a new file comprising the existing file and the remaining bytes of the local file.
That was a bit complicated, so let’s look at a concrete example. My web server appends log data to a file, access.log
. I’ll see how big it is, get its SHA-1 digest, and upload it to a B2 Bucket:
% ls -l access.log -rw-r--r-- 1 ppatterson staff 5525849 Feb 9 15:55 access.log % sha1sum access.log ff46904e56c7f9083a4074ea3d92f9be2186bc2b access.log
The upload-file
command outputs all of the file’s metadata, but we’ll focus on the SHA-1 digest, file info, and size.
% b2 upload-file my-bucket access.log access.log ... { ... "contentSha1": "ff46904e56c7f9083a4074ea3d92f9be2186bc2b", ... "fileInfo": { "src_last_modified_millis": "1675986940381" }, ... "size": 5525849, ... }
As you might expect, the digest and size match those of the local file.
Time passes, and our log file grows. I’ll first upload it as a different file, so that we can see the default behavior when the B2 Cloud Storage file is simply replaced:
% ls -l access.log -rw-r--r-- 1 ppatterson staff 11047145 Feb 9 15:57 access.log % sha1sum access.log 7c97866ff59330b67aa96d7a481578d62e030788 access.log % b2 upload-file my-bucket access.log new-access.log { ... "contentSha1": "7c97866ff59330b67aa96d7a481578d62e030788", ... "fileInfo": { "src_last_modified_millis": "1675987069538" }, ... "size": 11047145, ... }
Everything is as we might expect—the CLI uploaded 11,047,145 bytes to create a new file, which is 5,521,296 bytes bigger than the initial upload.
Now I’ll use the --incrementalMode
option to replace the first Backblaze B2 file:
% b2 upload-file --quiet my-bucket access.log access.log ... { ... "contentSha1": "none", ... "fileInfo": { "large_file_sha1": "7c97866ff59330b67aa96d7a481578d62e030788", "plan_id": "ea6b099b48e7eb7fce01aba18dbfdd72b56eb0c2", "src_last_modified_millis": "1675987069538" }, ... "size": 11047145, ... }
The digest is exactly the same, but it has moved from contentSha1
to fileInfo.large_file_sha1
, indicating that the file was uploaded as separate parts, resulting in a large file. The CLI didn’t need to upload the initial 5,525,849 bytes of the local file; it instead instructed Backblaze B2 to combine the existing file with the final 5,521,296 bytes of the local file to create a new version of the file.
There are several more new features and fixes to existing functionality in version 3.7.0—make sure to check out the B2 CLI changelog for a complete list.
Most of the changes in the B2 Python SDK support the new features in the B2 CLI, such as adding wildcard matching to the operation and adding support for incremental upload and sync. Again, you can inspect the B2 Python SDK changelog for a comprehensive list.
Whether you’re working on Windows, Mac or Linux, it’s straightforward to install or update the B2 CLI; full instructions are provided in the Backblaze B2 documentation.
Note that the latest version is now 3.7.1. The only changes from 3.7.0 are a handful of corrections to help text and that the Mac binary is no longer provided, due to shortcomings in the Mac version of PyInstaller. Instead, we provide the Mac version of the CLI via the Homebrew package manager.
The post Go Wild with Wildcards in the Backblaze B2 Command Line Tool 3.7.1 appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.