Comments on: Backblaze Product and Pricing Updates Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup Wed, 29 Nov 2023 05:16:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Patrick Wed, 29 Nov 2023 05:16:06 +0000 I have to find an alternative. My calculation shows a 42% increase next year from this year.
Not 3%, not even a 10% increase.
I understand price gouging is trendy among businesses, but that can’t be tenable in the long run.

edit: So I just ran across this – “Google will automatically upgrade the storage cloud data limit on every Google Workspace account from 15GB to 1TB.Oct 30, 2023, for free.”

That’s how growth happens.

By: bjo Sat, 07 Oct 2023 14:13:22 +0000 It seems the old pricing is still applied. I have two buckets with 1.1 TB over some time, ran restic to prune some unused packs now so restic needed to download ~50GB and I got a mail that I ran into my 0.50 USD cap.

By: DalTXJSB Fri, 06 Oct 2023 04:24:34 +0000 In reply to ᅠᅠᅠ.

Livedrive. They have a Pro Suite for up to 5 computers, in addition to a single use backup. Oh, and they have NAS backup also (for a small additional fee). I have 4 computers + NAS. Perfect for my use.

By: Deep Mon, 02 Oct 2023 17:36:43 +0000 Ok, I just tried to at least add 1 year to my subscription at the current price. Nope, not possible. This was kind of the final nail in the coffin.

“Thank you for writing in. Unfortunately we cannot move up a renewal date or lock in current pricing if your subscription renews on or after October 3rd.”

By: joeseph Fallop Sun, 01 Oct 2023 16:52:47 +0000 backblaze in 2019 – $50
backblaze in 2023 – $110

Let me sum this up.

Since the Backblaze IPO, the stock has lost 75% of it’s value. Being a public company now, Backblaze must now suck the teet of the shareholders. Insiders have been aggressively selling their stock which is never a good sign. Losses are piling up with no end in sight.

Some overpaid C-Suite is now under pressure to increase revenues. “Hey I got an idea” lets crank up the prices 40%, bundle in service people don’t need to justify this increase.

When a company has to increase prices by 40% that’s a huge red flag. Your financials look like a steaming pile of dog you know what. Revenue increased only because you keep increasing prices every year. Wow, there’s a company slowly dying. Funny how you can dissect a pretty powerpoint from a public company and expose it’s true self.

Here’s what going to happen. In 2024 they’re going to say “hey our revenue increased big time” No kiddng, you’ve raised prices by 40%. Most people won’t notice this increase until they get their bill. And in 2025 people will be leaving in droves cause prices are no longer affordable. By 2026 Backblaze will be a penny stock and following that, out of business.

Sorry I’m gonna have to punch out when my renewal comes up. Good luck in your business Gleb, but I guess you have nothing to worry about with your 500K salary and your millions in stock options.

Little guy gets f*cked again.

By: joeseph Fallop Sun, 01 Oct 2023 12:18:33 +0000 In reply to Dave.

they are a dying company. This is a last ditch effort to avoid becoming a penny stock and then it;’ eventual bankruptcy.

By: Mark Atkins Wed, 20 Sep 2023 12:16:47 +0000 I have around 900GB of photos and videos to backup, and maybe 15-20GB of documents so this just isn’t worth it for me anymore. I’ll make use of Googles Unlimited OG quality uploads on my first gen Pixel and then I’ll pay for 100GB of storage on Google Drive for the documents. Not paying a 40% increase on something I barely use as it is, takes the p**s! About time you brought in structured tiers for those of us who didn’t need unlimited storage!

By: Kyle V. Wed, 20 Sep 2023 05:30:00 +0000 Hi Gleb,

I understand the need to offset increasing costs, but surely there was a better way to offer limited tiers for those of us without much data to backup? Frankly, I hadn’t even considered switching to a different backup service until I saw the recent email with the price increases mentioned in this blog post.

Google Drive offers a $30 yearly tier for 200 GB, which is less than half the price I am paying currently with Backblaze, and will be 1/3 of the price after the 43% price hike.

So, just by bringing the current prices to my attention, you helped a customer realize that this company was not the right fit for their needs with the current prices let alone the prices after this.

I suppose as long as you don’t lose more than 30% of your customers with these price increases, the price hikes will be a profitable for your company. I hope that I am a part of the 31%.

By: Joschka Wed, 20 Sep 2023 00:04:04 +0000 In reply to dumbasPL.

There are other costs associated with running a data center. When I signed up, a few months ago, I knew the price was too low and “unlimited storage” was an invitation to disaster.

I have a bit over 5 TB to store (which may be less if they use compression.) Where else can I get 5 TB for a year at this or the new, increased price? The one-month recovery period is quite enough for me. (Yesterday, I did a 15 gig restore and it was fine.)

I say Backblaze is cheap and I’ve been storing a small (free) amount of data for YEARS and they don’t complain at all. I’ll stick with Backblaze. (Note, their client is broken and it generates an error message every so often. They promised to fix it soon.)
