Storage Pod Archives Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup Thu, 09 Nov 2023 18:17:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Storage Pod Archives 32 32 The Storage Pod Story: Innovation to Commodity Wed, 05 Oct 2022 16:19:49 +0000 Here it is: the much-anticipated update about what's next with Backblaze Storage Pods.

The post The Storage Pod Story: Innovation to Commodity appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.


It has been over six years since we released Storage Pod 6.0. Yes, we have improved that system since then, several times. We’ve added more memory, upgraded the CPU, and of course deployed larger disks. I suppose we could have written blog posts about those improvements, a Storage Pod 6.X post or two or three, but somehow that felt a bit hollow.

About 18 months ago, we talked about The Next Backblaze Storage Pod. We had started using Dell servers in our Amsterdam data center, although we were still building and deploying the version 6.X storage pods in our U.S. data centers. That changed about six months ago and we haven’t built or deployed a Backblaze Storage Pod since that time. Here’s what we’ve done instead.

A Backblaze-Worthy Storage Server

In September of 2019, we wrote a blog post to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of open sourcing our Storage Pod design. In that post we mused about the build/buy decision and stated the criteria we needed to consider if we were going to buy storage servers from someone else: cost, ease of maintenance, the use of commodity parts, ability to scale production, and so on. Also in that post, we compiled a list of storage servers on the market at the time which were similar to our Storage Pod design.

We then proceeded to test several different storage servers from the list and elsewhere. The testing was done over a period of about a year using the criteria noted earlier. The process progressed and one server, a 60-drive Supermicro server, was selected to move on to the next stage, production performance testing.

Here we would observe the server’s performance and test its compatibility with our operational architecture. We built a vault of 20 Supermicro servers and placed it into production, and at the same time we placed a standard Storage Pod vault into production. The two vaults ran the same software and we would track each vault’s performance throughout.

When a Backblaze Vault enters production, 60 tomes of storage come online at the same time joining thousands of other tomes ready to receive data. Each vault has the same opportunity to load data, but this will vary depending on the performance of the vault to process the requests received. In general, the more performant the vault, the more data it can upload each day.

The comparison of how much data each vault uploaded each day is shown below. Vault 1084 is composed of 20 Supermicro servers and Vault 1085 is composed of 20 Backblaze Storage Pods.

The Supermicro vault (1084) started with a limit of 2,500 simultaneous connections allowed for the first seven days. Once that limit was lifted and both vaults were set to 5,000 simultaneous connections, the Supermicro vault generally outperformed the Backblaze vault over the remainder of the observation period.

What happened to the data once the test was over? It stayed in the Supermicro vault and that vault became a permanent part of our production environment. It is still in operation today, joined by over 1,100 additional Supermicro servers. Safe to say, we moved ahead with using the Supermicro servers in our environment in place of building new Storage Pods.

The Server Model We Use

The Supermicro model we order from Supermicro is the PIO-5049P-E1CR60L (PIO-5049). That model is not sold via the Supermicro website. That said, model SSG-6049P-E1CR60L (SSG-6049) is similar and is widely available. Both models have 60 drives, but the chassis is slightly different, and the motherboards are different with the PIO-5049 model having a single CPU slot, and the SSG-6049 model having two CPU slots. Let’s compare the basics of the two models below.

In practice, the Supermicro SSG-6049 model supports newer components such as the latest CPUs and allows more memory versus the Supermicro PIO-5049 model, but the latter is more than capable of supporting our needs.

Can You Build It?

A little over 13 years ago, we wrote the Petabytes on a Budget blog post introducing Backblaze Storage Pods to the world and open sourcing the design. Since then, many individuals, organizations, and businesses have taken the various storage pod designs we published over the years and built their own storage servers. That’s awesome.

We know building a Storage Pod was not easy. Oh, the assembly was simple enough, but getting all the parts you needed was a challenge: searching endlessly for 5-port backplanes (minimum order quantity 1,000-ouch, sorry) or having to build your own power supply cables. While many of you enjoyed the challenge; many didn’t.
For the Supermicro system, let’s work with the Supermicro SSG-6049 model as it is available to everyone and see what it would take for you to acquire/assemble/build a single Supermicro storage server.

Option One: Go Standard

The easiest thing to do is to order a pre-configured SSG-6049 model from Supermicro or you can try one of their online reseller sites such as Canada Computers & Electronics or ComputerLink, which offer the same “complete system”. In these cases, the ability to customize the server is minimal and requires direct contact with the vendor for most changes. If that works for you, then you’re all set.

Option Two: Configure

If you want to design your own system you can try Supermicro resellers such as IT Creations (US) and Server Simply (EU) which have configurators that allow you to select your CPU, motherboard, network cards, memory, and various other components. This is a great option but given the number of different options and the possibility of incompatibilities between components, you need to be careful here. Don’t rely on the configurator to catch a component mismatch.

Option Three: Create

Here you might buy the most stripped-down server you can find and replace nearly everything inside—motherboard, CPU, fans, switches, cables and so on. You’ll probably void any warranty you had on the system, but we suspect you knew that already. Regardless, you can take the base system and stuff it full of smoking-fast everything so that your copy of “Ferris Buellers Day Off” downloads in picoseconds. That’s the fun part of building your own storage server, when you are done it is uniquely yours.

Which option you choose is, of course, your choice, and while ordering a standard system from Supermicro may not be as satisfying as soldering heat sinks to the motherboard or neatly tying off your SATA cable runs, it will give you more time to watch Ferris, so there’s that.

FYI, Supermicro has an extensive network of resellers around the world. While the options above fall neatly into three categories, each reseller has their own way of working with their clients. If you are going to buy or build your own Supermicro storage server or have already done so, share your experience with your colleagues in the comments below or on your favorite forum or community site.

What About Pricing

Supermicro does not publish prices and we are not going to out them here, but we wanted to see if we could determine the street price for the Supermicro SSG-6049 system by surveying reseller websites. It was not pretty. In our research, we saw prices for the Supermicro SSG-6049 model range from $6K to 40K on different reseller sites. On the website with the $6K price they started with a fictitious base system that you could not order, and then listed the various components you were required to add, such as CPU, memory, hard drives, etc. At the $40K website the reseller didn’t bother to list any of the components; it just had the model and the price—no specs or technical information. Classic buyer beware scenarios in both cases.

The other variable that made the street price hard to determine was that resellers often bundled other services into the price of the system such as installation, annual maintenance, and even shipping. All are reasonable services for a reseller to offer, but they cloud the picture when trying to determine the actual cost of the product you are trying to buy. At best, we can say that the street price is somewhere between $20K and $30K, but we are not very confident with that range.

Storage Server Pricing Over Time

Since 2009 we have tracked the cost per GB of each Storage Pod version we have produced. We’ve updated the chart below to add both Storage Pod version 6.X, our most current Storage Pod configuration, and the Supermicro storage server we are buying, model PIO-5049.

The cost per GB is computed by taking the total hardware cost of a storage server, including the hard drives, and dividing by the total storage in the server at the time. When Storage Pod 1.0 was released in September 2009, the system cost was about $0.12/GB, and as you can see that has decreased over time to $0.02/GB in the Supermicro systems.

One point to note is that both the Storage Pod 6.X ($0.028/GB) and Supermicro ($0.020/GB) servers use the same 16TB hard drive models. We believe the difference between the cost per GB of the two cohorts ($0.008) is primarily based on the operational efficiency obtained by Supermicro in making and selling tens of thousands of units a month versus Backblaze assembling a hundred 6.X Storage Pods on our own. In other words, Supermicro’s scale of production has enabled us to get performant systems for less than if we continued to build them ourselves.

What’s Next for Storage Pods

No one here at Backblaze is ready to write the obituary for our beloved red Backblaze Storage Pods. Afterall, the innovation that was the Storage Pod created the opportunity for Backblaze to change the dynamics of the storage market. Now that the Storage Pod hardware has been commoditized, our cloud storage software platform is what enables us to continue to deliver value to businesses and individuals alike.

All that means is that our next Storage Pod probably won’t be an incremental change, but instead something completely new, at least for us. It may not even be a Storage Pod—who knows? That said, we will continue to upgrade our existing Storage Pods with new CPUs, memory, and such, and they’ll be around for years to come. At which point we may give them away or crush them (again). In the meantime, we’ll probably do another blog post or two so we can post a few pictures and tell a few stories. Or maybe we’ll just move on. Hard to say right now.

Thanks to all our Storage Pod readers for your comments and suggestions over the years. You’ve made us better along the way and we look forward to continuing to hear from you as our journey continues.

The post The Storage Pod Story: Innovation to Commodity appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

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The Next Backblaze Storage Pod Thu, 24 Jun 2021 15:55:29 +0000 A lot has changed in storage server manufacturing since we announced Storage Pod 6.0—this post lays out what we've learned in recent years and how it will affect the next Storage Pod.

The post The Next Backblaze Storage Pod appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

Backblaze Storage Pod 7?

In September of 2019, we celebrated the 10-year anniversary of open-sourcing the design of our beloved Storage Pods. In that post, we contemplated the next generation Backblaze Storage Pod and outlined some of the criteria we’d be considering as we moved forward with Storage Pod 7.0 or perhaps a third-party vendor.

Since that time, the supply chain for the commodity parts we use continues to reinvent itself, the practice of just-in-time inventory is being questioned, the marketplace for high-density storage servers continues to mature, and the continuing cost effectiveness of scaling the manufacturing and assembly of Storage Pods has proved elusive. A lot has changed.

The Next Storage Pod

As we plan for the next 10 years of providing our customers with astonishingly easy to use cloud storage at a fair price, we need to consider all of these points and more. Follow along as we step through our thought process and let you know what we’re thinking—after all, it’s your data we are storing, and you have every right to know how we plan to do it.

Storage Pod Realities

You just have to look at the bill of materials for Storage Pod 6.0 to know that we use commercially available parts wherever possible. Each Storage Pod has 25 different parts from 15 different manufacturers/vendors, plus the red chassis, and, of course, the hard drives. That’s a trivial number of parts and vendors for a hardware company, but stating the obvious, Backblaze is a software company.

Still, each month we currently build 60 or so new Storage Pods. So, each month we’d need 60 CPUs, 720 SATA cables, 120 power supplies, and so on. Depending on the part, we could order it online or from a distributor or directly from the manufacturer. Even before COVID-19 we found ourselves dealing with parts that would stock out or be discontinued. For example, since Storage Pod 6.0 was introduced, we’ve had three different power supply models be discontinued.

For most of the parts, we actively try to qualify multiple vendors/models whenever we can. But this can lead to building Storage Pods that have different performance characteristics (e.g. different CPUs, different motherboards, and even different hard drives). When you arrange 20 Storage Pods into a Backblaze Vault, you’d like to have 20 systems that are the same to optimize performance. For standard parts like screws, you can typically find multiple sources, but for a unique part like the chassis, you have to arrange an alternate manufacturer.

With COVID-19, the supply chain was very hard to navigate to procure the various components of a Storage Pod. It was normal for purchase orders to be cancelled, items to stock out, shipping dates to slip, and even prices to be renegotiated on the fly. Our procurement team was on top of this from the beginning, and we got the parts we needed. Still, it was a challenge as many sources were limiting capacity and shipping nearly everything they had to their larger customers like Dell and Supermicro, who were first in line.

A visual representation of how crazy the supply chain is.
Supply chain logistics aren’t getting less interesting.

Getting Storage Pods Built

When we first introduced Storage Pods, we were the only ones who built them. We would have the chassis constructed and painted, then we’d order all the parts and assemble the units at our data center. We built the first 20 or so this way. At that point, we decided to outsource the assembly process to a contract manufacturer. They would have a sheet metal fabricator construct and paint the chassis, and the contract manufacturer would order and install all the parts. The complete Storage Pod was then shipped to us for testing.

Over the course of the last 12 years, we’ve had multiple contract manufacturers. Why? There are several reasons, but they start with the fact that building 20, 40, or even 60 Storage Pods a month is not a lot of work for most contract manufacturers—perhaps five days a month at most. If they dedicate a line to Storage Pods, that’s a lot of dead time for the line. Yet, Storage Pod assembly doesn’t lend itself to being flexed into a line very well, as the Storage Pods are bulky and the assembly process is fairly linear versus modular.

an array of parts that get assembled to create a storage pod

In addition, we asked the contract manufacturers to acquire and manage the Storage Pod parts. For a five-day-a-month project, their preferred process is to have enough parts on hand for each monthly run. But we liked to buy in bulk to lower our cost, and some parts like backplanes had high minimum order quantities. This meant someone had to hold inventory. Over time, we took on more and more of this process, until we were ordering all the parts and having them shipped to the contract manufacturer monthly to be assembled. It didn’t end there.

As noted above, when the COVID-19 lockdown started, supply chain and assembly processes were hard to navigate. As a consequence, we started directing some of the fabricated Storage Pod chassis to be sent to us for assembly and testing. This hybrid assembly model got us back in the game of assembling Storage Pods—we had gone full circle. Yes, we are control freaks when it comes to our Storage Pods. That was a good thing when we were the only game in town, but a lot has changed.

The Marketplace Catches Up

As we pointed out in the 10-year anniversary Storage Pod post, there are plenty of other companies that are making high-density storage servers like our Storage Pod. At the time of that post, the per unit cost was still too high. That’s changed, and today high-density storage servers are generally cost competitive. But unit cost is only part of the picture as some of the manufacturers love to bundle services into the final storage server you receive. Some services are expected, like maintenance coverage, while others—like the requirement to only buy hard drives from them at a substantial markup—are non-starters. Still, over the next 10 years, we need to ensure we have the ability to scale our data centers worldwide and to be able to maintain the systems within. At the same time, we need to ensure that the systems are operational and available to meet or exceed our expectations and those of our customers, as well.

The Amsterdam Data Center

As we contemplated opening our data center in Amsterdam, we had a choice to make: use Storage Pods or use storage servers from another vendor. We considered shipping the 150-pound Storage Pods to Amsterdam or building them there as options. Both were possible, but each had their own huge set of financial and logistical hurdles along the way. The most straightforward path to get storage servers to the Amsterdam data center turned out to be Dell.

The process started by testing out multiple storage server vendors in our Phoenix data center. There is an entire testing process we have in place, which we’ll cover in another post, but we can summarize by saying the winning platform needed to be at least as performant and stable as our Storage Pods. Dell was the winner and from there we ordered two Backblaze Vaults worth of Dell servers for the Amsterdam data center.

The servers were installed, our data center techs were trained, repair metrics were established and tracked, and the systems went live. Since that time, we added another six Backblaze Vaults worth of servers. Overall, it has been a positive experience for everyone involved—not perfect, but filled with learnings we can apply going forward.

By the way, Dell was kind enough to make red Backblaze bezels for us, which we install on each of the quasi-Storage Pods. They charge us extra for them, of course, but some things are just worth it.

Backblaze Dell Server Face Plates
Faceplate on the quasi-Storage Pod.

Lessons Learned

The past couple of years, including COVID, have taught us a number of lessons we can take forward:

  1. We can use third-party storage servers to reliably deliver our cloud storage services to our customers.
  2. We don’t have to do everything. We can work with those vendors to ensure the equipment is maintained and serviced in a timely manner.
  3. We deepened our appreciation of having multiple sources/vendors for the hardware we use.
  4. We can use multiple third-party vendors to scale quickly, even if storage demand temporarily outpaces our forecasts.

Those points, taken together, have opened the door to using storage servers from multiple vendors. When we built our own Storage Pods, we achieved our cost savings from innovation and the use of commodity parts. We were competing against ourselves to lower costs. By moving forward with non-Backblaze storage servers, we will have the opportunity for the marketplace to compete for our business.

Are Storage Pods Dead?

Right after we introduced Storage Pod 1.0 to the world, we had to make a decision as to whether or not to make and sell Storage Pods in addition to our cloud-based services. We did make and sell a few Storage Pods—we needed the money—but we eventually chose software. We also decided to make our software hardware-agnostic. We could run on any reasonably standard storage server, so now that storage server vendors are delivering cost-competitive systems, we can use them with little worry.

So the question is: Will there ever be a Storage Pod 7.0 and beyond? We want to say yes. We’re still control freaks at heart, meaning we’ll want to make sure we can make our own storage servers so we are not at the mercy of “Big Server Inc.” In addition, we do see ourselves continuing to invest in the platform so we can take advantage of and potentially create new, yet practical ideas in the space (Storage Pod X anyone?). So, no, we don’t think Storage Pods are dead, they’ll just have a diverse group of storage server friends to work with.

Storage Pod Fun

Over the years we had some fun with our Storage Pods. Here are a few of our favorites.

Storage Pod Dominos: That’s all that needs to be said.

Building the Big “B”: How to build a “B” out of Storage Pods.

Crushing Storage Pods: Megabot meets Storage Pod, destruction ensues.

Storage Pod Museum: We saved all the various versions of Storage Pods.

Storage Pod Giveaway: Interviews from the day we gave away 200 Storage Pods.

Pick a Faceplate: We held a contest to let our readers choose the next Backblaze faceplate design.

The post The Next Backblaze Storage Pod appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

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Interview With the Podfather: Tim Nufire on the Origins of the Pod Wed, 25 Sep 2019 00:06:53 +0000 The Backblaze Storage Pod has reached a ten-year milestone. We thought it would be a great opportunity to talk to the father of the pod, Tim Nufire, about the origins of the pod and its evolution into the game-changing cloud storage icon it has become.

The post Interview With the Podfather: Tim Nufire on the Origins of the Pod appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

Tim, the Podfather, working in data center

It’s early 2008, the concept of cloud computing is only just breaking into public awareness, and the economy is in the tank. Despite this less-than-kind business environment, five intrepid Silicon Valley veterans quit their jobs and pooled together $75K to launch a company with a simple goal: provide an easy-to-use, cloud-based backup service at a price that no one in the market could beat — $5 per month per computer.

The only problem: both hosted storage (through existing cloud services) and purchased hardware (buying servers from Dell or Microsoft) were too expensive to hit this price point. Enter Tim Nufire, aka: The Podfather.

Tim led the effort to build what we at Backblaze call the Storage Pod: The physical hardware our company has relied on for data storage for more than a decade. On the occasion of the decade anniversary of the open sourcing of our Storage Pod 1.0 design, we sat down with Tim to relive the twists and turns that led from a crew of backup enthusiasts in an apartment in Palo Alto to a company with four data centers spread across the world holding 2100 storage pods and closing in on an exabyte of storage.

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Editors: So Tim, it all started with the $5 price point. I know we did market research and that was the price at which most people shrugged and said they’d pay for backup. But it was so audacious! The tech didn’t exist to offer that price. Why do you start there?

Tim Nufire: It was the pricing given to us by the competitors, they didn’t give us a lot of choice. But it was never a challenge of if we should do it, but how we would do it. I had been managing my own backups for my entire career; I cared about backups. So it’s not like backup was new, or particularly hard. I mean, I firmly believe Brian Wilson’s (Backblaze’s Chief Technology Officer) top line: You read a byte, you write a byte. You can read the byte more gently than other services so as to not impact the system someone is working on. You might be able to read a byte a little faster. But at the end of the day, it’s an execution game not a technology game. We simply had to out execute the competition.

E: Easy to say now, with a company of 113 employees and more than a decade of success behind us. But at that time, you were five guys crammed into a Palo Alto apartment with no funding and barely any budget and the competition — Dell, HP, Amazon, Google, and Microsoft — they were huge! How do you approach that?

TN: We always knew we could do it for less. We knew that the math worked. We knew what the cost of a 1 TB hard drive was, so we knew how much it should cost to store data. We knew what those markups were. We knew, looking at a Dell 2900, how much the margin was in that box. We knew they were overcharging. At that time, I could not build a desktop computer for less than Dell could build it. But I could build a server at half their cost.

I don’t think Dell or anyone else was being irrational. As long as they have customers willing to pay their hard margins, they can’t adjust for the potential market. They have to get to the point where they have no choice. We didn’t have that luxury.

So, at the beginning, we were reluctant hardware manufacturers. We were manufacturing because we couldn’t afford to pay what people were charging, not because we had any passion for hardware design.

E: Okay, so you came on at that point to build a cloud. Is that where your title comes from? Chief Cloud Officer? The pods were a little ways down the road, so Podfather couldn’t have been your name yet. …

TN: This was something like December, 2007. Gleb (Budman, the Chief Executive Officer of Backblaze) and I went snowboarding up in Tahoe, and he talked me into joining the team. … My title at first was all wrong, I never became the VP of Engineering, in any sense of the word. That was never who I was. I held the title for maybe five years, six years before we finally changed it. Chief Cloud Officer means nothing, but it fits better than anything else.

E: It does! You built the cloud for Backblaze with the Storage Pod as your water molecule (if we’re going to beat the cloud metaphor to death). But how does it all begin? Take us back to that moment: the podception.

TN: Well, the first pod, per se, was just a bunch of USB drives strapped to a shelf in the data center attached to two Dell 2900 towers. It didn’t last more than an hour in production. As soon as it got hit with load, it just collapsed. Seriously! We went live on this and it lasted an hour. It was a complete meltdown.

Two things happened: The bus was completely unstable, so the USB drives were unstable. Second, the DRDB (Distributed Replicated Block Device) — which is designed to protect your data by live mirroring it between the two towers — immediately fell apart. You implement a DRDB not because it works in a well-running situation, but because it covers you in the failure mode. And in failure mode it just unraveled — in an hour. It went into a split-brain mode under the hardware failures that the USB drives were causing. A well-running DRDB is fully mirrored, and split-brained mode is when the two sides simply give up and start acting autonomously because they don’t know what the other side is doing and they’re not sure who is boss. The data is essentially inconsistent at that point because you can choose A or B but the two sides are not in agreement.

While the USB specs say you can connect something like 256 or 128 drives to a hub, we were never able to do more than like, five. After something like five or six, the drives just start dropping out. We never really figured it out because we abandoned the approach. I just took the drives out and shoved them inside of the Dells, and those two became pods number 0 and 1. The Dells had room for 10 or 8 drives apiece, and so we brought that system live.

That was what the first six years of this company was like, just a never-ending stream of those kind of moments — mostly not panic inducing, mostly just: you put your head down and you start working through the problems. There’s a little bit of adrenaline, that feeling before a big race of an impending moment. But you have to just keep going.

Tim working on Storage Pod
Tim welcoming another Storage Pod to the family.

E: Wait, so this wasn’t in testing? You were running this live?

TN: Totally! We were in friends-and-family beta at the time. But the software was all written. We didn’t have a lot of customers, but we had launched, and we managed to recover the files: whatever was backed up. The system has always had self healing built into the client.

E: So where do you go from there? What’s the next step?

TN: These were the early days. We were terrified of any commitments. So I think we had leased a half cabinet at the 365 Main facility in San Francisco, because that was the most we could imagine committing to in a contract: We committed to a year’s worth of this tiny little space.

We had those first two pods — the two Dell Towers (0 and 1) — which we eventually built out using external exclosures. So those guys had 40 or 45 drives by the end, with these little black boxes attached to them.

Pod number 2 was the plywood pod, which was another moment of sitting in the data center with a piece of hardware that just didn’t work out of the gate. This was Chris Robertson’s prototype. I credit him with the shape of the basic pod design, because he’s the one that came up with the top loaded 45 drives design. He mocked it up in his home woodshop (also known as a garage).

E: Wood in a data center? Come on, that’s crazy, right?

TN: It was what we had! We didn’t have a metal shop in our garage, we had a woodshop in our garage, so we built a prototype out of plywood, painted it white, and brought it to the data center. But when I went to deploy the system, I ended up having to recable and rewire and reconfigure it on the fly, sitting there on the floor of the data center, kinda similar to the first day.

The plywood pod was originally designed to be 45 drives, top loaded with port multipliers — we didn’t have backplanes. The port multipliers were these little cards that took one set of cables in and five cables out. They were cabled from the top. That design never worked. So what actually got launched was a fifteen drive system that had these little five drive enclosures that we shoved into the face of the plywood pod. It came up as a 15 drive, traditionally front-mounted design with no port multipliers. Nothing fancy there. Those boxes literally have five SATA connections on the back, just a one-to-one cabling.

E: What happened to the plywood pod? Clearly it’s cast in bronze somewhere, right?

TN: That got thrown out in the trash in Palo Alto. I still defend the decision. We were in a small one-bedroom apartment in Palo Alto and all this was cruft.

Wooden pod
The plywood pod, RIP.

E: Brutal! But I feel like this is indicative of how you were working. There was no looking back.

TN: We didn’t have time to ask the question of whether this was going to work. We just stayed ahead of the problems: Pods 0 and 1 continued to run, pod 2 came up as a 15 drive chassis, and runs.

The next three pods are the first where we worked with Protocase. These are the first run of metal — the ones where we forgot a hole for the power button, so you’ll see the pried open spots where we forced the button in. These are also the first three with the port-multiplier backplane. So we built a chassis around that, and we had horrible drive instability.

We were using the Western Digital Green, 1 TB drives. But we couldn’t keep them in the RAID. We wrote these little scripts so that in the middle of the night, every time a drive dropped out of the array, the script would put it back in. It was this constant motion and churn creating a very unstable system.

We suspected the problem was with power. So we made the octopus pod. We drilled holes in the bottom, and ran it off of three PSUs beneath it. We thought: “If we don’t have enough power, we’ll just hit it with a hammer.” Same thing on cooling: “What if it’s getting too hot?” So we put a box fan on top and blew a lot of air into it. We were just trying to figure out what it was that was causing trouble and grief. Interestingly, the array in the plywood pod was stable, but when we replaced the enclosure with steel, it became unstable as well!

Storage Pod with fan
Early experiments in pod cooling.

We slowly circled in on vibration as the problem. That plywood pod had actual disk enclosure with caddies and good locking mechanisms, so we thought the lack of caddies and locking mechanisms could be the issue. I was working with Western Digital at the time, too, and they were telling me that they also suspected vibration as the culprit. And I kept telling them, ‘They are hard drives! They should work!’

At the time, Western Digital was pushing me to buy enterprise drives, and they finally just gave me a round of enterprise drives. They were worse than the consumer drives! So they came over to the office to pick up the drives because they had accelerometers and lot of other stuff to give us data on what was wrong, and we never heard from them again.

We learned later that, when they showed up in an office in a one bedroom apartment in Palo Alto with five guys and a dog, they decided that we weren’t serious. It was hard to get a call back from them after that … I’ll admit, I was probably very hard to deal with at the time. I was this ignorant wannabe hardware engineer on the phone yelling at them about their hard drives. In hindsight, they were right; the chassis needed work.

But I just didn’t believe that vibration was the problem. It’s just 45 drives in a chassis. I mean, I have a vibration app on my phone, and I stuck the phone on the chassis and there’s vibration, but it’s not like we’re trying to run this inside a race car doing multiple Gs around corners, it was a metal box on a desk with hard drives spinning at 5400 or 7200 rpm. This was not a seismic shake table!

The early hard drives were secured with EPDM rubber bands. It turns out that real rubber (latex) turns into powder in about two months in a chassis, probably from the heat. We discovered this very quickly after buying rubber bands at Staples that just completely disintegrated. We eventually got better bands, but they never really worked. The hope was that they would secure a hard drive so it couldn’t vibrate its neighbors, and yet we were still seeing drives dropping out.

At some point we started using clamp down lids. We came to understand that we weren’t trying to isolate vibration between the drives, but we were actually trying to mechanically hold the drives in place. It was less about vibration isolation, which is what I thought the rubber was going to do, and more about stabilizing the SATA connector on the backend, as in: You don’t want the drive moving around in the SATA connector. We were also getting early reports from Seagate at the time. They took our chassis and did vibration analysis and, over time, we got better and better at stabilizing the drives.

We started to notice something else at this time: The Western Digital drives had these model numbers followed by extension numbers. We realized that drives that stayed in the array tended to have the same set of extensions. We began to suspect that those extensions were manufacturing codes, something to do with which backend factory they were built in. So there were subtle differences in manufacturing processes that dictated whether the drives were tolerant of vibration or not. Central Computer was our dominant source of hard drives at the time, and so we were very aggressively trying to get specific runs of hard drives. We only wanted drives with a certain extension. This was before the Thailand drive crisis, before we had a real sense of what the supply chain looked like. At that point we just knew some drives were better than others.

E: So you were iterating with inconsistent drives? Wasn’t that insanely frustrating?

TN: No, just gave me a few more gray hairs. I didn’t really have time to dwell on it. We didn’t have a choice of whether or not to grow the storage pod. The only path was forward. There was no plan B. Our data was growing and we needed the pods to hold it. There was never a moment where everything was solved, it was a constant stream of working on whatever the problem was. It was just a string of problems to be solved, just “wheels on the bus.” If the wheels fall off, put them back on and keep driving.

E: So what did the next set of wheels look like then?

TN: We went ahead with a second small run of steel pods. These had a single Zippy power supply, with the boot drive hanging over the motherboard. This design worked until we went to 1.5TB drives and the chassis would not boot. Clearly a power issue, so Brian Wilson and I sat there and stared at the non-functioning chassis trying to figure out how to get more power in.

The issue with power was not that we were running out of power on the 12V rail. The 5V rail was the issue. All the high end, high-power PSUs give you more and more power on 12V because that’s what the gamers need — it’s what their CPUs and the graphics card need, so you can get a 1000W or a 1500W power supply and it gives you a ton of power on 12V, but still only 25 amps on 5V. As a result, it’s really hard to get more power on the 5V rail, and a hard drive takes 12V and 5V: 12V to spin the motor and 5V to power the circuit board. We were running out of the 5V.

So our solution was two power supplies, and Brian and I were sitting there trying to visually imagine where you could put another power supply. Where are you gonna put it? We can put it were the boot drive is, and move the boot drive to the side, and just kind of hang the PSU up and over the motherboard. But the biggest consequence with this was, again, vibration. Mounting the boot drive to the side of a vibrating chassis isn’t the best place for a boot drive. So we had higher than normal boot drive failures in those nine.

Storage Pod power supply
Tim holding the second power supply in place to show where it should go.

So the next generation, after pod number 8, was the beginning of Storage Pod 1.0. We were still using rubber bands, but it had two power supplies, 45 drives, and we built 20 of them, total. Casey Jones, as our designer, also weighed in at this point to establish how they would look. He developed the faceplate design and doubled down on the deeper shade of red. But all of this was expensive and scary for us: We’re gonna spend $10 grand!? We don’t have much money. We had been two years without salary at this point.

Storage Pod faceplates
Casey Jones’ faceplate vent design versions, with the final first generation below.

We talked to Ken Raab from Sonic Manufacturing, and he convinced us that he could build our chassis, all in, for less than we were paying. He would take the task off my plate, I wouldn’t have to build the chassis, and he would build the whole thing for less than I would spend on parts … and it worked. He had better backend supplier connections, so he could shave a little expense off of everything and was able to mark up 20%.

We fixed the technology and the human processes. On the technology side, we were figuring out the hardware and hard drives, we were getting more and more stable. Which was required. We couldn’t have the same failure rates we were having on the first three pods. In order to reduce (or at least maintain) the total number of problems per day, you have to reduce the number of problems per chassis, because there’s 32 of them now.

We were also learning how to adapt our procedures so that the humans could live. By “the Humans,” I mean me and Sean Harris who joined me in 2010. There are physiological and psychological limits to what is sustainable and we were nearing our wits end.… So, in addition to stabilizing the chassis design, we got better at limiting the type of issues that would wake us up in the middle of the night.

E: So you reached some semblance of stability in your prototype and in your business. You’d been sprinting with no pay for a few years to get to this point and then … you decide to give away all your work for free? You open sourced Storage Pod 1.0 on September 9th, 2009. Were you a nervous wreck that someone was going to run away with all your good work?

TN: Not at all. We were dying for press. We were ready to tell the world anything they would listen to. We had no shame. My only regret is that we didn’t do more. We open sourced our design before anyone was doing that, but we didn’t build a community around it or anything.

Remember, we didn’t want to be a manufacturer. We would have killed for someone to build our pods better and cheaper than we could. Our hope from the beginning was always that we would build our own platform until the major vendors did for the server market what they did in the personal computing market. Until Dell would sell me the box that I wanted at the price I could afford, I was going to continue to build my chassis. But I always assumed they would do it faster than a decade.

Supermicro tried to give us a complete chassis at one point, but their problem wasn’t high margin; they were targeting too high of performance. I needed two things: Someone to sell me a box and not make too much profit off of me, and I needed someone who would wrap hard drives in a minimum performance enclosure and not try to make it too redundant or high performance. Put in one RAID controller, not two; daisy chain all the drives; let us suffer a little! I don’t need any of the hardware that can support SSDs. But no matter how much we ask for barebones servers, no one’s been able to build them for us yet.

So we’ve continued to build our own. And the design has iterated and scaled with our business. So we’ll just keep iterating and scaling until someone can make something better than we can.

E: Which is exactly what we’ve done, leading from Storage Pod 1.0 to 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, to 6.0 (if you want to learn more about these generations, check out our Pod Museum), preparing the way for more than 800 petabytes of data in management.

Storage Pod Museum
The Backblaze Storage Pod Museum in San Mateo, California

✣   ✣   ✣

But while Tim is still waiting to pass along the official Podfather baton, he’s not alone. There was the early help from Brian Wilson, Casey Jones, Sean Harris, and a host of others, and then in 2014, Ariel Ellis came aboard to wrangle our supply chain. He grew in that role over time until he took over the responsibility over charting the future of the Pod via Backblaze Labs, becoming the Podson, so to speak. Today, he’s sketching the future of Storage Pod 7.0, and — provided no one builds anything better in the meantime — he’ll tell you all about it on our blog.

The post Interview With the Podfather: Tim Nufire on the Origins of the Pod appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

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Petabytes on a Budget: 10 Years and Counting Tue, 24 Sep 2019 13:44:59 +0000 It has been 10 years since Backblaze introduced our Storage Pod to the world. A lot has changed over the years. We take a look back and get a peek at the future.

The post Petabytes on a Budget: 10 Years and Counting appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

A Decade of the Pod

Editor’s note: This post reflects Backblaze Computer Backup pricing at the time it was published.

This post is for all of the storage geeks out there who have followed the adventures of Backblaze and our Storage Pods over the years. The rest of you are welcome to come along for the ride.

It has been 10 years since Backblaze introduced our Storage Pod to the world. In September 2009, we announced our hulking, eye-catching, red 4U storage server equipped with 45 hard drives delivering 67 terabytes of storage for just $7,867 — that was about $0.11 a gigabyte. As part of that announcement, we open-sourced the design for what we dubbed Storage Pods, telling you and everyone like you how to build one, and many of you did.

Backblaze Storage Pod version 1 was announced on our blog with little fanfare. We thought it would be interesting to a handful of folks — readers like you. In fact, it wasn’t even called version 1, as no one had ever considered there would be a version 2, much less a version 3, 4, 4.5, 5, or 6. We were wrong. The Backblaze Storage Pod struck a chord with many IT and storage folks who were offended by having to pay a king’s ransom for a high density storage system. “I can build that for a tenth of the price,” you could almost hear them muttering to themselves. Mutter or not, we thought the same thing, and version 1 was born.

The Podfather

Tim, the “Podfather” as we know him, was the Backblaze lead in creating the first Storage Pod. He had design help from our friends at Protocase, who built the first three generations of Storage Pods for Backblaze and also spun out a company named 45 Drives to sell their own versions of the Storage Pod — that’s open source at its best. Before we decided on the version 1 design, there were a few experiments along the way:

Wooden pod

The original Storage Pod was prototyped by building a wooden pod or two. We needed to test the software while the first metal pods were being constructed.

The Octopod was a quick and dirty response to receiving the wrong SATA cables — ones that were too long and glowed. Yes, there are holes drilled in the bottom of the pod.

Pre-1 Storage Pod
Early not-red Storage Pod

The original faceplate shown above was used on about 10 pre-1.0 Storage Pods. It was updated to the three circle design just prior to Storage Pod 1.0.

Why are Storage Pods red? When we had the first ones built, the manufacturer had a batch of red paint left over that could be used on our pods, and it was free.

Back in 2007, when we started Backblaze, there wasn’t a whole lot of affordable choices for storing large quantities of data. Our goal was to charge $5/month for unlimited data storage for one computer. We decided to build our own storage servers when it became apparent that, if we were to use the other solutions available, we’d have to charge a whole lot more money. Storage Pod 1.0 allowed us to store one petabyte of data for about $81,000. Today we’ve lowered that to about $35,000 with Storage Pod 6.0.

We Must Have Done Something Right

The Backblaze Storage Pod was more than just affordable data storage. Version 1.0 introduced or popularized three fundamental changes to storage design: 1) You could build a system out of commodity parts and it would work, 2) You could mount hard drives vertically and they would still spin, and 3) You could use consumer hard drives in the system. It’s hard to determine which of these three features offended and/or excited more people. It is fair to say that ten years out, things worked out in our favor, as we currently have about 900 petabytes of storage in production on the platform.

Over the last 10 years, people have warmed up to our design, or at least elements of the design. Starting with 45 Drives, multitudes of companies have worked on and introduced various designs for high density storage systems ranging from 45 to 102 drives in a 4U chassis, so today the list of high-density storage systems that use vertically mounted drives is pretty impressive:

CompanyServerDrive Count
45 DrivesStorinator S4545
45 DrivesStorinator XL6060
DellDSS 700090
HPECloudline CL520080
HPECloudline CL5800100
NetGear ReadyNAS 4360X60
NewisysNDS 445060
QuantaQuantaGrid D51PL-4U102
QuantaQuantaPlex T21P-4U70
Seagate Exos AP 4U10096
SupermicroSuperStorage 6049P-E1CR60L60
SupermicroSuperStorage 6049P-E1CR45L45
TyanThunder SX FA100-B7118100
Viking Enterprise SolutionsNSS-460260
Viking Enterprise SolutionsNDS-490090
Viking Enterprise SolutionsNSS-41000100
Western DigitalUltrastar Serv60+860

Another driver in the development of some of these systems is the Open Compute Project (OCP). Formed in 2011, they gather and share ideas and designs for data storage, rack designs, and related technologies. The group is managed by The Open Compute Project Foundation as a 501(c)(6) and counts many industry luminaries in the storage business as members.

What Have We Done Lately?

In technology land, 10 years of anything is a long time. What was exciting then is expected now. And the same thing has happened to our beloved Storage Pod. We have introduced updates and upgrades over the years twisting the usual dials: cost down, speed up, capacity up, vibration down, and so on. All good things. But, we can’t fool you, especially if you’ve read this far. You know that Storage Pod 6.0 was introduced in April 2016 and quite frankly it’s been crickets ever since as it relates to Storage Pods. Three plus years of non-innovation. Why?

  1. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Storage Pod 6.0 is built in the US by Equus Compute Solutions, our contract manufacturer, and it works great. Production costs are well understood, performance is fine, and the new higher density drives perform quite well in the 6.0 chassis.
  2. Disk migrations kept us busy. From Q2 2016 through Q2 2019 we migrated over 53,000 drives. We replaced 2, 3, and 4 terabyte drives with 8, 10, and 12 terabyte drives, doubling, tripling and sometimes quadrupling the storage density of a storage pod.
  3. Pod upgrades kept us busy. From Q2 2016 through Q1 2019, we upgraded our older V2, V3, and V4.5 storage pods to V6.0. Then we crushed a few of the older ones with a MegaBot and gave a bunch more away. Today there are no longer any stand-alone storage pods; they are all members of a Backblaze Vault.
  4. Lots of data kept us busy. In Q2 2016, we had 250 petabytes of data storage in production. Today, we have 900 petabytes. That’s a lot of data you folks gave us (thank you by the way) and a lot of new systems to deploy. The chart below shows the challenge our data center techs faced.

Petabytes Stored vs Headcount vs Millions Raised

In other words, our data center folks were really, really busy, and not interested in shiny new things. Now that we’ve hired a bunch more DC techs, let’s talk about what’s next.

Storage Pod Version 7.0 — Almost

Yes, there is a Backblaze Storage Pod 7.0 on the drawing board. Here is a short list of some of the features we are looking at:

  • Updating the motherboard
  • Upgrade the CPU and consider using an AMD CPU
  • Updating the power supply units, perhaps moving to one unit
  • Upgrading from 10Gbase-T to 10GbE SFP+ optical networking
  • Upgrading the SATA cards
  • Modifying the tool-less lid design

The timeframe is still being decided, but early 2020 is a good time to ask us about it.

“That’s nice,” you say out loud, but what you are really thinking is, “Is that it? Where’s the Backblaze in all this?” And that’s where you come in.

The Next Generation Backblaze Storage Pod

We are not out of ideas, but one of the things that we realized over the years is that many of you are really clever. From the moment we open sourced the Storage Pod design back in 2009, we’ve received countless interesting, well thought out, and occasionally odd ideas to improve the design. As we look to the future, we’d be stupid not to ask for your thoughts. Besides, you’ll tell us anyway on Reddit or HackerNews or wherever you’re reading this post, so let’s just cut to the chase.

Build or Buy

The two basic choices are: We design and build our own storage servers or we buy them from someone else. Here are some of the criteria as we think about this:

  1. Cost: We’d like the cost of a storage server to be about $0.030 – $0.035 per gigabyte of storage (or less of course). That includes the server and the drives inside. For example, using off-the-shelf Seagate 12 TB drives (model: ST12000NM0007) in a 6.0 Storage Pod costs about $0.032-$0.034/gigabyte depending on the price of the drives on a given day.
  2. International: Now that we have a data center in Amsterdam, we need to be able to ship these servers anywhere.
  3. Maintenance: Things should be easy to fix or replace — especially the drives.
  4. Commodity Parts: Wherever possible, the parts should be easy to purchase, ideally from multiple vendors.
  5. Racks: We’d prefer to keep using 42” deep cabinets, but make a good case for something deeper and we’ll consider it.
  6. Possible Today: No DNA drives or other wistful technologies. We need to store data today, not in the year 2061.
  7. Scale: Nothing in the solution should limit the ability to scale the systems. For example, we should be able to upgrade drives to higher densities over the next 5-7 years.

Other than that there are no limitations. Any of the following acronyms, words, and phrases could be part of your proposed solution and we won’t be offended: SAS, JBOD, IOPS, SSD, redundancy, compute node, 2U chassis, 3U chassis, horizontal mounted drives, direct wire, caching layers, appliance, edge storage units, PCIe, fibre channel, SDS, etc.

The solution does not have to be a Backblaze one. As the list from earlier in this post shows, Dell, HP, and many others make high density storage platforms we could leverage. Make a good case for any of those units, or any others you like, and we’ll take a look.

What Will We Do With All Your Input?

We’ve already started by cranking up Backblaze Labs again and have tried a few experiments. Over the coming months we’ll share with you what’s happening as we move this project forward. Maybe we’ll introduce Storage Pod X or perhaps take some of those Storage Pod knockoffs for a spin. Regardless, we’ll keep you posted. Thanks in advance for your ideas and thanks for all your support over the past ten years.

The post Petabytes on a Budget: 10 Years and Counting appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

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Interviews From Storage Pod Pickup Day Thu, 01 Aug 2019 16:21:48 +0000 Why would people make the long trek to our data center in Sacramento just to get a free Storage Pod? We asked them in these video interviews.

The post Interviews From Storage Pod Pickup Day appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

A pallet of Storage Pods

There’s a saying about good deeds and punishment. What started out as an interesting idea to give away decommissioned Storage Pods to some of our blog readers and fans turned into a mad logistical scramble to get ready for caravans that were forming across the Western US! We get into the details of how this all came together along with some entertaining pictures from the day below, but first, a quick apology! As the person running this madness, I should have done a better job at making sure we were prepared for the amount of interest we’d receive – I apologize and hope that we get a chance to do this again sometime so we can do a better job. Now, back to the fun!

How did this whole thing start?
We have a lot of equipment. A lot. Sometimes that equipment enters the end of its useful life for us. When that happens, we decommission it and the parts get recycled (or fed to robots). This time we decided to remove the data components and give away the entire chassis along with most of the internals. The hope was that these pods, which had performed so dutifully for us at Backblaze, would find a happy home somewhere and bring joy to others in their second life. It turns out that a lot of people were interested in fostering the pods, and we had a lot more demand than we had storage pods. We had about 200 to give away, and it became very clear that we needed to create an RSVP system to make sure people didn’t drive to Sacramento and leave empty-handed. After a few false starts we had a plan, and a great day of pickups!

We enjoyed meeting all of our fans, and were floored by how many different types of people had different use-cases for these pods. We had a lot of people drive in from out of state, from as far as Washington, and one person even flew in from Florida to pick up and ship a few pods home (we can’t quite figure that one out since the cost of the flight and shipping the pod home would have eclipsed the cost of the pod – so if you’re out there Florida Man, please let us know how the trip went!).

We took some pictures and recorded some videos while we were there. We hope you enjoy them and can join us if we ever get to do this again!

We Interviewed Some of the Recipients To See How They Would Use Our Storage Pods

The Backblaze Teams Gets Ready to Hand Out The Pods

Storage Pod pickup day

Lugging Storage Pods Around Is Hard Work

Backblaze techs load storage pods into a car.

Some Fans Showed Their Appreciation With Cookies

Storage Pod pickup day

A Timelapse Video of the Action Throughout The Day

Thanks to everyone that could join us, and we hope to do this again sometime!

The post Interviews From Storage Pod Pickup Day appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

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Backblaze Vaults: Zettabyte-Scale Cloud Storage Architecture Tue, 18 Jun 2019 15:00:34 +0000 Backblaze introduced our Vault architecture in 2015. It's four years later and Vaults still provide the foundation for Backblaze's highly durable and cost-efficient cloud storage.

The post Backblaze Vaults: Zettabyte-Scale Cloud Storage Architecture appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.


A lot has changed in the four years since Brian Beach wrote a post announcing Backblaze Vaults, our software architecture for cloud data storage. Just looking at how the major statistics have changed, we now have over 100,000 hard drives in our data centers instead of the 41,000 mentioned in the post video. We have three data centers (soon four) instead of one data center. We’re approaching one exabyte of data stored for our customers (almost seven times the 150 petabytes back then), and we’ve recovered over 41 billion files for our customers, up from the 10 billion in the 2015 post.

In the original post, we discussed having durability of seven nines. Shortly thereafter, it was upped to eight nines. In July of 2018, we took a deep dive into the calculation and found our durability closer to eleven nines (and went into detail on the calculations used to arrive at that number). And, as followers of our Hard Drive Stats reports will be interested in knowing, we’ve just started testing our first 16 TB drives, which are twice the size of the biggest drives we used back at the time of this post — then a whopping eight TB.

We’ve updated the details here and there in the text from the original post that was published on our blog on March 11, 2015. We’ve left the original 135 comments intact, although some of them might be non sequiturs after the changes to the post. We trust that you will be able to sort out the old from the new and make sense of what’s changed. If not, please add a comment and we’ll be happy to address your questions.

— Editor

Storage Vaults form the core of Backblaze’s cloud services. Backblaze Vaults are not only incredibly durable, scalable, and performant, but they dramatically improve availability and operability, while still being incredibly cost-efficient at storing data. Back in 2009, we shared the design of the original Storage Pod hardware we developed; here we’ll share the architecture and approach of the cloud storage software that makes up a Backblaze Vault.

Backblaze Vault Architecture for Cloud Storage

The Vault design follows the overriding design principle that Backblaze has always followed: keep it simple. As with the Storage Pods themselves, the new Vault storage software relies on tried and true technologies used in a straightforward way to build a simple, reliable, and inexpensive system.

A Backblaze Vault is the combination of the Backblaze Vault cloud storage software and the Backblaze Storage Pod hardware.

Putting The Intelligence in the Software

Another design principle for Backblaze is to anticipate that all hardware will fail and build intelligence into our cloud storage management software so that customer data is protected from hardware failure. The original Storage Pod systems provided good protection for data and Vaults continue that tradition while adding another layer of protection. In addition to leveraging our low-cost Storage Pods, Vaults take advantage of the cost advantage of consumer-grade hard drives and cleanly handle their common failure modes.

Distributing Data Across 20 Storage Pods

A Backblaze Vault is comprised of 20 Storage Pods, with the data evenly spread across all 20 pods. Each Storage Pod in a given vault has the same number of drives, and the drives are all the same size.

Drives in the same drive position in each of the 20 Storage Pods are grouped together into a storage unit we call a tome. Each file is stored in one tome and is spread out across the tome for reliability and availability.

20 hard drives create 1 tome that share parts of a file.

Every file uploaded to a Vault is divided into pieces before being stored. Each of those pieces is called a shard. Parity shards are computed to add redundancy, so that a file can be fetched from a vault even if some of the pieces are not available.

Each file is stored as 20 shards: 17 data shards and three parity shards. Because those shards are distributed across 20 Storage Pods, the Vault is resilient to the failure of a Storage Pod.

Files can be written to the Vault when one pod is down and still have two parity shards to protect the data. Even in the extreme and unlikely case where three Storage Pods in a Vault lose power, the files in the vault are still available because they can be reconstructed from any of the 17 pods that are available.

Storing Shards

Each of the drives in a Vault has a standard Linux file system, ext4, on it. This is where the shards are stored. There are fancier file systems out there, but we don’t need them for Vaults. All that is needed is a way to write files to disk and read them back. Ext4 is good at handling power failure on a single drive cleanly without losing any files. It’s also good at storing lots of files on a single drive and providing efficient access to them.

Compared to a conventional RAID, we have swapped the layers here by putting the file systems under the replication. Usually, RAID puts the file system on top of the replication, which means that a file system corruption can lose data. With the file system below the replication, a Vault can recover from a file system corruption because a single corrupt file system can lose at most one shard of each file.

Creating Flexible and Optimized Reed-Solomon Erasure Coding

Just like RAID implementations, the Vault software uses Reed-Solomon erasure coding to create the parity shards. But, unlike Linux software RAID, which offers just one or two parity blocks, our Vault software allows for an arbitrary mix of data and parity. We are currently using 17 data shards plus three parity shards, but this could be changed on new vaults in the future with a simple configuration update.

Vault Row of Storage Pods

For Backblaze Vaults, we threw out the Linux RAID software we had been using and wrote a Reed-Solomon implementation from scratch, which we wrote about in “Backblaze Open-sources Reed-Solomon Erasure Coding Source Code.” It was exciting to be able to use our group theory and matrix algebra from college.

The beauty of Reed-Solomon is that we can then re-create the original file from any 17 of the shards. If one of the original data shards is unavailable, it can be re-computed from the other 16 original shards, plus one of the parity shards. Even if three of the original data shards are not available, they can be re-created from the other 17 data and parity shards. Matrix algebra is awesome!

Handling Drive Failures

The reason for distributing the data across multiple Storage Pods and using erasure coding to compute parity is to keep the data safe and available. How are different failures handled?

If a disk drive just up and dies, refusing to read or write any data, the Vault will continue to work. Data can be written to the other 19 drives in the tome, because the policy setting allows files to be written as long as there are two parity shards. All of the files that were on the dead drive are still available and can be read from the other 19 drives in the tome.

Building a Backblaze Vault Storage Pod

When a dead drive is replaced, the Vault software will automatically populate the new drive with the shards that should be there; they can be recomputed from the contents of the other 19 drives.

A Vault can lose up to three drives in the same tome at the same moment without losing any data, and the contents of the drives will be re-created when the drives are replaced.

Handling Data Corruption

Disk drives try hard to correctly return the data stored on them, but once in a while they return the wrong data, or are just unable to read a given sector.

Every shard stored in a Vault has a checksum, so that the software can tell if it has been corrupted. When that happens, the bad shard is recomputed from the other shards and then re-written to disk. Similarly, if a shard just can’t be read from a drive, it is recomputed and re-written.

Conventional RAID can reconstruct a drive that dies, but does not deal well with corrupted data because it doesn’t checksum the data.

Scaling Horizontally

Each vault is assigned a number. We carefully designed the numbering scheme to allow for a lot of vaults to be deployed, and designed the management software to handle scaling up to that level in the Backblaze data centers.

The overall design scales very well because file uploads (and downloads) go straight to a vault, without having to go through a central point that could become a bottleneck.

There is an authority server that assigns incoming files to specific Vaults. Once that assignment has been made, the client then uploads data directly to the Vault. As the data center scales out and adds more Vaults, the capacity to handle incoming traffic keeps going up. This is horizontal scaling at its best.

We could deploy a new data center with 10,000 Vaults holding 16TB drives and it could accept uploads fast enough to reach its full capacity of 160 exabytes in about two months!

Backblaze Vault Benefits

The Backblaze Vault architecture has six benefits:

1. Extremely Durable

The Vault architecture is designed for 99.999999% (eight nines) annual durability (now 11 nines — Editor). At cloud-scale, you have to assume hard drives die on a regular basis, and we replace about 10 drives every day. We have published a variety of articles sharing our hard drive failure rates.

The beauty with Vaults is that not only does the software protect against hard drive failures, it also protects against the loss of entire Storage Pods or even entire racks. A single Vault can have three Storage Pods — a full 180 hard drives — die at the exact same moment without a single byte of data being lost or even becoming unavailable.

2. Infinitely Scalable

A Backblaze Vault is comprised of 20 Storage Pods, each with 60 disk drives, for a total of 1200 drives. Depending on the size of the hard drive, each vault will hold:

12TB hard drives => 12.1 petabytes/vault (Deploying today.)
14TB hard drives => 14.2 petabytes/vault (Deploying today.)
16TB hard drives => 16.2 petabytes/vault (Small-scale testing.)
18TB hard drives => 18.2 petabytes/vault (Announced by WD & Toshiba)
20TB hard drives => 20.2 petabytes/vault (Announced by Seagate)

Backblaze Data Center

At our current growth rate, Backblaze deploys one to three Vaults each month. As the growth rate increases, the deployment rate will also increase. We can incrementally add more storage by adding more and more Vaults. Without changing a line of code, the current implementation supports deploying 10,000 Vaults per location. That’s 160 exabytes of data in each location. The implementation also supports up to 1,000 locations, which enables storing a total of 160 zettabytes (also known as 160,000,000,000,000 GB)!

3. Always Available

Data backups have always been highly available: if a Storage Pod was in maintenance, the Backblaze online backup application would contact another Storage Pod to store data. Previously, however, if a Storage Pod was unavailable, some restores would pause. For large restores this was not an issue since the software would simply skip the Storage Pod that was unavailable, prepare the rest of the restore, and come back later. However, for individual file restores and remote access via the Backblaze iPhone and Android apps, it became increasingly important to have all data be highly available at all times.

The Backblaze Vault architecture enables both data backups and restores to be highly available.

With the Vault arrangement of 17 data shards plus three parity shards for each file, all of the data is available as long as 17 of the 20 Storage Pods in the Vault are available. This keeps the data available while allowing for normal maintenance and rare expected failures.

4. Highly Performant

The original Backblaze Storage Pods could individually accept 950 Mbps (megabits per second) of data for storage.

The new Vault pods have more overhead, because they must break each file into pieces, distribute the pieces across the local network to the other Storage Pods in the vault, and then write them to disk. In spite of this extra overhead, the Vault is able to achieve 1,000 Mbps of data arriving at each of the 20 pods.

Backblaze Vault Networking

This capacity required a new type of Storage Pod that could handle this volume. The net of this: a single Vault can accept a whopping 20 Gbps of data.

Because there is no central bottleneck, adding more Vaults linearly adds more bandwidth.

5. Operationally Easier

When Backblaze launched in 2008 with a single Storage Pod, many of the operational analyses (e.g. how to balance load) could be done on a simple spreadsheet and manual tasks (e.g. swapping a hard drive) could be done by a single person. As Backblaze grew to nearly 1,000 Storage Pods and over 40,000 hard drives, the systems we developed to streamline and operationalize the cloud storage became more and more advanced. However, because our system relied on Linux RAID, there were certain things we simply could not control.

With the new Vault software, we have direct access to all of the drives and can monitor their individual performance and any indications of upcoming failure. And, when those indications say that maintenance is needed, we can shut down one of the pods in the Vault without interrupting any service.

6. Astoundingly Cost Efficient

Even with all of these wonderful benefits that Backblaze Vaults provide, if they raised costs significantly, it would be nearly impossible for us to deploy them since we are committed to keeping our online backup service affordable for completely unlimited data. However, the Vault architecture is nearly cost neutral while providing all these benefits.

Backblaze Vault Cloud Storage

When we were running on Linux RAID, we used RAID6 over 15 drives: 13 data drives plus two parity. That’s 15.4% storage overhead for parity.

With Backblaze Vaults, we wanted to be able to do maintenance on one pod in a vault and still have it be fully available, both for reading and writing. And, for safety, we weren’t willing to have fewer than two parity shards for every file uploaded. Using 17 data plus three parity drives raises the storage overhead just a little bit, to 17.6%, but still gives us two parity drives even in the infrequent times when one of the pods is in maintenance. In the normal case when all 20 pods in the Vault are running, we have three parity drives, which adds even more reliability.


Backblaze’s cloud storage Vaults calculated at 99.999999% (eight nines) annual durability (now 11 nines — Editor), horizontal scalability, and 20 Gbps of per-Vault performance, while being operationally efficient and extremely cost effective. Driven from the same mindset that we brought to the storage market with Backblaze Storage Pods, Backblaze Vaults continue our singular focus of building the most cost-efficient cloud storage available anywhere.

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Note: This post was updated from the original version posted on March 11, 2015.

The post Backblaze Vaults: Zettabyte-Scale Cloud Storage Architecture appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

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Come and Get ‘Em — Storage Pods That Is Mon, 10 Jun 2019 20:06:38 +0000 We're giving away a number of Storage Pods that have reached their end of service. You can have one or more, but you must pick them up in person between 10am and 5pm on Friday, June 28.

The post Come and Get ‘Em — Storage Pods That Is appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

Backblaze Storage Pod

Update: The RSVP list is closed. Please see below for more information.

The time has come to retire some of our old friends: a number of Backblaze Storage Pods that have reached their end of service in our data centers.

They’re free, but here’s the catch. You need to come and get them! If you’re in the Sacramento area (or interested in traveling to it), we’re going to have a pickup day on Friday, June 28th, 2019.

We’re unfortunately NOT, under any circumstances, able to ship. RSVP below.

Specs: These are a mix of Storage Pod 2.0 and Storage Pod 3.0 chassis with most of the components included (except for hard drives, including boot drives). We can’t guarantee that the components aren’t nearing the end of their life, but these pods should be in decent working order (and if they aren’t what a fun tinkering project!).

Things to Know About The Storage Pods:

  • Storage Pod 2.0 and 3.0 chassis only (we can’t guarantee which you’ll get).
  • We are NOT supporting these in ANY way — if they do not function, you will need to tinker!
  • No boot drives. You will need to procure one before these become bootable.
  • We are not able to ship these pods. If you cannot come in person on the date and time below, please make arrangements for someone to come and pick them up on your behalf.

Pickup Event Information:

Date: Friday, June 28th, 2019
Time: 10:00am PST-5:00pm PST
Limit: Two per person.
Place: Sent via confirmation email.


Due to demand and to ease the logistics, we are instituting a mandatory RSVP. If you do not RSVP we won’t be able to guarantee that you will get a Storage Pod. The RSVP will also help us keep track of inventory and demand.

Please RSVP: Update: No longer taking RSVPs – see below.

UPDATE (06/11/2019 – 8:22am): We have paused the RSVP because we’re nearing the limit of how many of these are available. Please keep an eye on this blog for more updates and we’ll coordinate with people who have RSVP’d to send additional questions and confirmation. If people drop-off from the RSVP list, we may open it up again closer towards the day. Apologies if not everyone was able to sign up at the moment. Hopefully we will be able to accommodate everyone and try to do this again in the future. The logistics are tricky though.

UPDATE (06/29/2019: Thank you to everyone who showed up yesterday, we had all of the Storage Pods picked up. If we get a chance to do this again we’ll have a different process! Thanks to everyone for being so understanding and cool about the giveaway!

The post Come and Get ‘Em — Storage Pods That Is appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

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An Inside Look at the Backblaze Storage Pod Museum Thu, 14 Feb 2019 17:32:52 +0000 Nearly 10 years after the first Storage Pod altered the storage landscape it continues to stimulate new approaches to data center storage. Let's take a tour through the years of Storage Pod innovation.

The post An Inside Look at the Backblaze Storage Pod Museum appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

image of the back of a Backblaze Storage Pod

Merriam-Webster defines a museum as “an institution devoted to the procurement, care, study, and display of objects of lasting interest or value.” With that definition in mind, we’d like to introduce the Backblaze Storage Pod Museum. While some folks think of a museum as a place of static, outdated artifacts, others realize that those artifacts can tell a story over time of experimentation, evolution, and innovation. That is certainly the case with our Storage Pods. Modesty prevents us from saying that we changed the storage industry with our Storage Pod design, so let’s say we added a lot of red to the picture.

Over the years, Larry, our data center manager, has stashed away the various versions of our Storage Pods as they were removed from service. He also kept drives, SATA cards, power supplies, cables, and more. Thank goodness. With the equipment that Larry’s pack-rat tendencies saved, and a couple of current Storage Pods we borrowed (shhhh, don’t tell Larry), we were able to start the Backblaze Storage Pod Museum. Let’s take a quick photo trip through the years.

Storage Pod History Slide Show

(click on photo for full-screen)

Before Storage Pod 1.0

Before we announced Storage Pod 1.0 to the world nearly 10 years ago, we had already built about twenty or so Storage Pods. These early pods used Western Digital 1.0 TB Green drives. There were multiple prototypes, but once we went into production, we had settled on the 45-drive design with 3 rows of 15 vertically mounted drives. We ordered the first batch of ten chassis to be built and then discovered we did not spec a hole for the on/off switch. We improvised.

Storage Pod 1.0 — Petabytes on a Budget

We introduced the storage world to inexpensive cloud storage with Storage Pod 1.0. Funny thing, we didn’t refer to this innovation as version 1.0 — just a Backblaze Storage Pod. We not only introduced the Storage Pod, we also open-sourced the design, publishing the design specs, parts list, and more. People took notice. We introduced the design with Seagate 1.5 TB drives for a total of 67 TB of storage. This version also had an Intel Desktop motherboard (DG43NB) and 4 GB of memory.

Storage Pod 2.0 — More Petabytes on a Budget

Storage Pod 2.0 was basically twice the system that 1.0 was. It had twice the memory, twice the speed, and twice the storage, but it was in the same chassis with the same number of drives. All of this combined to reduce the cost per GB of the Storage Pod system over 50%: from $0.117/GB in version 1 to $0.055/GB in version 2.

Among the changes: the desktop motherboard in V1 was upgraded to a server class motherboard, we simplified things by using three four-port SATA cards, and reduced the cost of the chassis itself. In addition, we used Hitachi (HGST) 3 TB drives in Storage Pod 2.0 to double the total amount of storage to 135 TB. Over their lifetime, these HGST drives had an annualized failure rate of 0.82%, with the last of them being replaced in Q2 2017.

Storage Pod 3.0 — Good Vibrations

Storage Pod 3.0 brought the first significant chassis redesign in our efforts to make the design easier to service and provide the opportunity to use a wider variety of components. The most noticeable change was the introduction of drive lids — one for each row of 15 drives. Each lid was held in place by a pair of steel rods. The drive lids held the drives below in place and replaced the drive bands used previously. The motherboard and CPU were upgraded and we went with memory that was Supermicro certified. In addition, we added standoffs to the chassis to allow for Micro ATX motherboards to be used if desired, and we added holes where needed to allow for someone to use one or two 2.5” drives as boot drives — we use one 3.5” drive.

Storage Pod 4.0 — Direct Wire

Up through Storage Pod 3.0, Protocase helped design and then build our Storage Pods. During that time, they also designed and produced a direct wire version, which replaced the nine backplanes with direct wiring to the SATA cards. Storage Pod 4.0 was based on the direct wire technology. We deployed a small number of these systems but we fought driver problems between our software and the new SATA cards. In the end, we went back to our backplanes and Protocase continued forward with direct wire systems that they continued to deploy successfully. Conclusion: there are multiple ways you can be successful with the Storage Pod design.

Storage Pod 4.5 — Backplanes are Back

This version started with the Storage Pod 3.0 design and introduced new 5-port backplanes and upgraded to SATA III cards. Both of these parts were built on Marvell chipsets. The backplanes we previously used were being phased out, which prompted us to examine other alternatives like the direct wire pods. Now we had a ready supply of 5-port backplanes and Storage Pod 4.5 was ready to go.

We also began using Evolve Manufacturing to build these systems. They were located near Backblaze and were able to scale to meet our ever increasing production needs. In addition, they were full of great ideas on how to improve the Storage Pod design.

Storage Pod 5.0 — Evolution from the Chassis on Up

While Storage Pod 3.0 was the first chassis redesign, Storage Pod 5.0 was, to date, the most substantial. Working with Evolve Manufacturing, we examined everything down to the rivets and stand-offs, looking for a better, more cost efficient design. Driving many of the design decisions was the introduction of Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage that was designed to run on our Backblaze Vault architecture. From a performance point-of-view we upgraded the motherboard and CPU, increased memory fourfold, upgraded the networking to 10 GB on the motherboard, and moved from SATA II to SATA III. We also completely redid the drive enclosures, replacing the 15-drive clampdown lids with nine five-drive compartments with drive guides.

Storage Pod 6.0 — 60 Drives

Storage Pod 6.0 increased the amount of storage from 45 to 60 drives. We had a lot of questions when this idea was first proposed, like would we need: bigger power supplies (answer: no), more memory (no), a bigger CPU (no), or more fans (no). We did need to redesign our SATA cable routes from the SATA cards to the backplanes as we needed to stay under the one meter spec length for the SATA cables. We also needed to update our power cable harness, and, of course, add length to the chassis to accommodate the 15 additional drives, but nothing unexpected cropped up — it just worked.

What’s Next?

We’ll continue to increase the density of our storage systems. For example, we unveiled a Backblaze Vault full of 14 TB drives in our 2018 Drive Stats report. Each Storage Pod in that vault contains 840 terabytes worth of hard drives, meaning the 20 Storage Pods that make up the Backblaze Vault bring 16.8 petabytes of storage online when the vault is activated. As higher density drives and new technologies like HAMR and MAMR are brought to market, you can be sure we’ll be testing them for inclusion in our environment.

Nearly 10 years after the first Storage Pod altered the storage landscape, the innovation continues to deliver great returns to the market. Many other companies, from 45Drives to Dell and HP, have leveraged the Storage Pod’s concepts to make affordable, high-density storage systems. We think that’s awesome.

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A Day in the Life of a Data Center Tue, 28 Mar 2017 16:30:26 +0000 We’re going to take a look at a typical day in the life of a data center, including what it's like to visit a data center and see what's inside.

The post A Day in the Life of a Data Center appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

Editor’s note: We’ve reposted this very popular 2016 blog entry because we often get questions about how Backblaze stores data, and we wanted to give you a look inside!

A data center is part of the “cloud,” as in cloud backup, cloud storage, cloud computing, and so on. It is often where your data goes or goes through, once it leaves your home, office, mobile phone, tablet, etc. While many of you have never been inside a data center, chances are you’ve seen one. Cleverly disguised to fit in, data centers are often nondescript buildings with few, if any, windows and little, if any, signage. They can be easy to miss. There are exceptions of course, but most data centers are happy to go completely unnoticed.

We’re going to take a look at a typical day in the life of a data center.

Getting Inside a Data Center

As you approach a data center, you’ll notice there isn’t much to notice. There’s no “here’s my data center” signage, and the parking lot is nearly empty. You might wonder, “Is this the right place?” While larger, more prominent, data centers will have armed guards and gates, most data centers have a call box outside of a locked door. In either case, data centers don’t like drop-in visitors, so unless you’ve already made prior arrangements, you’re going to be turned away. In short, regardless of whether it is a call box or an armed guard, a primary line of defense is to know everyone whom you let in the door.

Once inside the building, you’re still a long way from being in the real data center. You’ll start by presenting the proper identification to the guard and fill out some paperwork. Depending on the facility and your level of access, you will have to provide a fingerprint for biometric access/exit confirmation. Eventually, you get a badge or other form of visual identification that shows your level of access. For example, you could have free range of the place (highly doubtful), or be allowed in certain defined areas (doubtful), or need an escort wherever you go (likely). For this post, we’ll give you access to the Backblaze areas in the data center, accompanied of course.

We’re ready to go inside, so attach your badge with your picture on it, get your finger ready to be scanned, and remember to smile for the cameras as you pass through the “box.” While not the only method, the “box” is a widely used security technique that allows one person at a time to pass through a room where they are recorded on video and visually approved before they can leave. Speaking of being on camera, by the time you get to this point, you will have passed dozens of cameras—hidden, visible, behind one-way glass, and so on.

Once past the “box,” you’re in the data center, right? Probably not. Data centers can be divided into areas or blocks, each with different access codes and doors. Once out of the box, you still might only be able to access the snack room and the bathrooms. These “rooms” are always located outside of the data center floor. Let’s step inside: “Badge in, please.”

Inside the Data Center

While every data center is different, there are three things that most people find common in their experience: how clean it is, the noise level, and the temperature.

Data Centers Are Clean

From the moment you walk into a typical data center, you’ll notice that it is clean. While most data centers are not clean rooms by definition, they do ensure the environment is suitable for the equipment housed there.

Data center Entry Mats

Cleanliness starts at the door. Mats like this one capture the dirt from the bottom of your shoes. These mats get replaced regularly. As you look around, you might notice that there are no trashcans on the data center floor. As a consequence, the data center staff follows the “whatever you bring in, you bring out” philosophy, sort of like hiking in the woods. Most data centers won’t allow food or drink on the data center floor, either. Instead, one has to leave the data center floor to have a snack or use the restroom.

Besides being visually clean, the air in a data center is also amazingly clean: Filtration systems filter particulates to the sub-micron level. Data center filters have a 99.97% (or higher) efficiency rating in removing 0.3 micron particles. In comparison, your typical home filter provides a 70% sub-micron efficiency level. That might explain the dust bunnies behind your gaming tower.

Data Centers Are Noisy

Data center Noise Levels

The decibel level in a given data center can vary considerably. As you can see, the Backblaze data center is between 76 and 78 decibels. This is the level when you are near the racks of Storage Pods. How loud is 78dB? Normal conversation is 60dB, a barking dog is 70dB, and a screaming child is only 80dB. In the US, OSHA has established 85dB as the lower threshold for potential noise damage. Still, 78dB is loud enough that we insist our data center staff wear ear protection on the floor. Their favorite earphones are Bose’s noise reduction models. They are a bit costly but well worth it.

The noise comes from a combination of the systems needed to operate the data center. Air filtration, heating, cooling, electric, and other systems in use. 6,000 spinning, three inch fans in the Storage Pods produce a lot of noise.

Data Centers Are Hot and Cold

As noted, part of the noise comes from heating and air conditioning systems, mostly air conditioning. As you walk through the racks and racks of equipment in many data centers, you’ll alternate between warm aisles and cold aisles. In a typical raised floor data center, cold air rises from vents in the floor in front of each rack. Fans inside the servers in the racks, in our case Storage Pods, pull the air in from the cold aisle and through the server. By the time the air reaches the other side, the warm row, it is warmer and is sucked away by vents in the ceiling or above the racks.

There was a time when data centers were like meat lockers with some kept as cold as 55°F (12.8°C). Warmer heads prevailed, and over the years the average temperature has risen to over 80°F (26.7°C) with some companies pushing that even higher. That works for us, but in our case, we are more interested in the temperature inside our Storage Pods, and more precisely, the hard drives within. Previously we looked at the correlation between hard disk temperature and failure rate. The conclusion: As long as you run drives well within their allowed range of operating temperatures, there is no problem operating a data center at 80°F (26.7°C) or even higher. As for the employees, if they get hot they can always work in the cold aisle for a while and vice versa.

Getting Out of a Data Center

When you’re finished visiting the data center, remember to leave yourself a few extra minutes to get out. The first challenge is to find your way back to the entrance. If an escort accompanies you, there’s no issue, but if you’re on your own, I hope you paid attention to the way inside. It’s amazing how all the walls and doors look alike as you’re wandering around looking for the exit, and with data centers getting larger and larger the task won’t get any easier. For example, the Switch SUPERNAP data center complex in Reno, Nevada will be over 6.4 million square feet, roughly the size of the Pentagon. Having worked in the Pentagon, I can say that finding your way around a facility that large can be daunting. Of course, a friendly security guard is likely to show up to help if you get lost or curious.

On your way back out, you’ll pass through the “box” once again for your exit cameo. Also, if you are trying to leave with more than you came in with, you will need a fair bit of paperwork before you can turn in your credentials and exit the building. Don’t forget to wave at the cameras in the parking lot.

The post A Day in the Life of a Data Center appeared first on Backblaze Blog | Cloud Storage & Cloud Backup.

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